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"Nobody here wants to see you", the black-haired male roughly said. Clearly showing his disinterest in talking to the person before his eyes.

"No, you're not trying to understand! I searched about this, and all these events that happened weren't true, they were well-planned and executed plan. Just let me talk to him, I have the proof!" No, he was determined to let everyone know. Even if they hated him for all the things he had done, he needed to pass this message across and bring light to the truth.

"Tsk, the only plan here is your act of luring us back with your innocent face for what, to make us believe and then throw us back in the gutter again? To hurt us irrationally? Guess what, we shall not fall twice!" Namjoon spat leaving behind the frustrated male and walking down inside.

"Kick this man out of the mansion, make it quick, and oh if he restrains don't mind shooting then", he left side-eyeing the male and giving directions to the guard who stood outside.

"Sir, you'll have to leave" he grunted. No fucking way he was going to leave.

And so, he did what he thought was right to do,

"JEON JUNGKOOK, I HAVE SOME VITAL INFORMATION AND I WON'T LEAVE UNTIL YOU HEAR IT!" Taehyung screamed making sure that every individual in that mansion heard what he had to say. As anticipated, no one reacted. 

"That's it, I'm kicking you out" the guard reached out pulling the struggling male towards the gate.

Taehyung POV

Would it be foolish if I make a run for it? Will this guard really shoot me? Fuck it, I'll go back to the gate. But I'm not leaving until he hears it, whether it might take the entire day!

It's been over 3 hours since Taehyung was waiting outside. Anyone else would think he was crazy for sitting there idly with no hope, or so they thought. Because his mind was filled with their college memories, the times when they had none of this to deal with. All simple pranks, beautiful dates he had with the elder. And then a flash of the overwhelming scenes took over him. The gunshots, blood, and death instinctively made his eyes moist with tears.    

No one would have seen from his point of view. A young boy who lost his father in a tragic death with his boyfriend being the one responsible for it and was later forced to take over a mafia. The emotional stress he had to go through, something no one would get. No one cared for him, no one bothered to look out after him, sure the fake condolences, the fake support helped him to understand this world even better. 

"You seem to be deep in thought" The familiar voice of his once-favorite person resonated through him. Quickly glancing over the ravenette, made him cry even more. The once clear and smooth face now had a small scar on his forehead and the realization that he was the very reason for that ugly mark made him cry even more.

They stood there silently, their eyes dreadfully conveying all the pain they made each other suffer. How one was surrounded by misunderstandings and revenge while the other was blinded by the hate and rage by the other. No words could express it, but their eyes could. This is the thing about love,

 when you really love that person, your soul conveys it stronger than any word meaning could hold, for the eyes openly deliver it.

"I-i really need to tell you something." He fought his mind who simply wanted to jump into the elder's arms and cry out.

No response. 

"C-can I?" he stuttered, this was becoming harder than he expected it to be. 

Still no response.

"S-so I got a letter from B-Bogum Hyung and he told me what exactly happened that day. M-my father had all of this planned to take your gang down and so right from the attack on your shipment till the kidnapping attack was all planned.

And that day, after watching you guys work so hard, I got determined to learn self-defense, I wanted you all to be proud of me, to know that I could manage my self and I didn't want to be a mere puppet who needs to be protected always. So I contacted him to help me with the classes and I swear I didn't know that my first shooting class would be aimed at y-you guys. He said that it was expected that I would come looking for his help and all of these events just happened to be at the same time." right after that, he broke into a set of ugly tears. 

Looking back he was so naive and how so easily he let people manipulate him embarrassed him.

He was still crying messily, both palms on his face to cover his puffy eyes down with black eyes, his entire face red. 

After 2 minutes it slowed down, not because he needed to catch his breath but also because it was still so silent.

And this made him look up so see Jungkook staring at him, emotionless. It was hard, as he tried to decipher something from the stone-cold face and black eyes and pierced through him.

"J-jungkook c-could you please say somethi-" he asked as he slowly went forward shakingly.

Momentarily, Jungkook held his shoulders in a gentle way, so softly like he had accepted everything Taehyung just said and uttered,

"I want you to leave and never show your face in front of me. Cuz if you do, I shall actually kill you this time." with that he turned and strode towards the mansion, leaving behind a broken boy.

Of course, why would Jungkook accept him back, after all the things he had done. 

But drowning in his own sorrow, he looked up to see Jungkook one last time, and that's when he saw, a red dot aiming right at him. It wasn't a surprise for a mafia leader to know what that was, a sniper, but completely shocked, he ran without thinking a second. 

"Jungkook move!", he screamed as he pushed his lover towards the right, making the other fall down by the force.



What do you think, should Jungkook forgive Tae?


Who dies? *evil grin*

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