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10 AM

"Ok guys, position." Namjoon spoke through the microphone.

Jungkook set his gun and adjusted the position of the scope.

"Scene is spotted for me" Jungkook informed.

"Give me a sec, and done." Jhope also agreed.

"Ok guys, snipers done, vehicles done. Let's get it." Namjoon focused.


As soon as the ship moored to the port, people started walking towards it to start with the collection. Nothing wrong here. I tried focusing of each one if them, whether any wrist tattoos were visible.
The kims had a symbol which were followed by all the members. It was a black lily. It was an oxymoron, describing the virgin, innocent lily yet a very cunning mafia.
But all of them were in black jackets. It was pretty obvious that no one would show it open.

"Jk and Jhope, concentrate on the who has the red rose print on his leather jacket. I noticed him looking at a specific area, but cudnt make it out because I can't act suspicious." Jimin stated.

"Noted." Both replied.

I enlarged the scope and did notice him looking to his particular direction. It was to the nearby yacht. But why? I zoomed into the corners of the yacht and then I found it. I was shocked.

"Shit guys, I found it. There's 3 bombs placed on the yacht. But luckily it works on the number dialed. I'm going for it." Jungkook said.

"Ok Jungkook, no wait hold up." Jhope said as he zoomed in to another side.

"Shit, you guys won't believe it. There are 8 of them, waiting in a van. So killing him wudnt be ideal." Hoseok said.

"Ok, do one thing. Yoongi and I will keep the van ready, as soon as Jungkook fires, come down and follow them." Jimin said.

"Ok" Both nodded.

"Jungkook now." Namjoon said.

I set my scope, aimed for his head. One shot would be fine, so I pulled the trigger.

*gun shot*

There he layed down, blood sputtering out of his head. But I had no time. I packed up and quickly ran down.

"Guys, hurry up." Jimin said impatiently.

Upon reaching down, we got into the car and quickly followed them.

"Guys, there's a shortcut, take a left...NOW" Namjoon shouted.

Yoongi drifted the car towards left and drove.

Jhope and Jimin took up the shotguns and loaded them.

"Ok now go straight ahead. After 2 meters, you'll come across a parlour. Wait for them there, then as soon as they come follow it. There is also a church across." Namjoon stated.

As instructed, we waited and 2 mins later, we heard it.

Yoongi took control, Jimin and Jhope too.

As soon as they went forward, we moved and shot their back window. We kept firing, yet they tried to sped off.

Opon reaching the church, I noticed a boy walking ahead of us, not paying attention to the car upcoming.

"Yoongi, faster." Jimin stressed.

"Wait, wait, hold up guys." Jungkook pointed out.

Shit, we hit the boy. I saw the boy drastically fall down and my instincts took action.
Got out of the car and went out to look at the boy.
To my surprise, he had a beautiful face but with a cute little pout and he groaned.

"Excuse me, where are you looking? Can't you fucking drive properly?" he said looking up from his hurt only to meet those chest-nut eyes which now held pain and sympathy to the other.

"Tae?-" Jungkook said astonished.

What's popping?😏

♡What's popping?😏

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He just-

⚰This graveyard is nice⚰

I'm updating from the coffin, yay.

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