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"Oh hi Jungkook." Taehyung said plastering a smile.

"How was your sleep babe? I'm sorry I had to leave early." Jungkook said as he held the others waist and hugged him.

"Mm it was good. By the way what are you guys training for?" Taehyung asked curiously.

" Oh this, we are gonna destroy few bad people who's been annoying from long time. Time to discard them" Jungkook gave a sinister smile.

"Oh, bad people should be hurted." Taehyung pouted.

"Yes cute baby" Jungkook said as he squished the other's cheek.

"Kookie..."he whined.

For lunch, they all decided to have a break and started chatting.

"Kookie I was thinking if I could also join this" Taehyung asked.

Now that caught all their attention and started laughing.

"Tae, you are so cute. But this is not a easy thing. We all went through several years of hard training." Jhope said in between of having his food.

"I'm not mocking you Taehyung but do you even know to hold a gun atleast? Like we all know because we are trained. Even if you wanted to, it will take time." Jhope continued.

Taehyung was embarrassed. He felt humiliated. Just because of his father he cudnt show his actual self. He was ready to show everyone how he could shoot straight on the fore head with precision. Only if he could.

"Jhope that's enough. I'm sorry Tae, but don't worry Jin hyung will be also with you." Jimin tried to motivate.

"And moreover I don't want you to get hurt.  You are the top priority." Jungkook said as he side hugged the younger.

"What do you do here hyung?" Taehyung asked directing to Jin.

"Oh Tae, I cook for these parasites and I'm doctor too." Jin said proudly.

Taehyung was amazed. He too wanted to be useful for them. He just didn't want to be a cute one lying there.

I'll quickly learn the tactics again and then show the actual me. Taehyung thought.

2 weeks later.

Things have moved.

The Black Cobra were trained hard.

Surprisingly no move from Kims.

But Taehyung still didnt get a call.

Now they were having their final meeting before the attack.

All the Black Cobra members were at the warehouse, waiting for Namjoon and the rest to begin with the plan.

Taehyung was out with Jihoon because he felt left out from the gang. In fact, Taehyung was living in his own mansion as Jungkook and all seemed busy. Taehyung was very sad but luckily Jihoon was there to listen and lighten up the mood. Jungkook tired from the training still managed to talk to him.

Taehyung understood that they needed time and respected that.

At the meeting.

"So guys. After all the training,  we think it's time we attack. We have got the message that currently the Kims are handling few cases in Japan and China so it's sure that they would be distracted and now it's the best time to strike.
Yoongi will be giving all your positions and duties. We are planning to attack on day after tomorrow. There's 2 days time and all of you can take this time to be thoroughly prepare yourselves.
Let's get it guys." Namjoon shouted the last line which was followed by every other member of The Black Cobra.

This time it was the final fight. The end of either of the greatest mafias exsisted in Korea.

So you guys have almost reached to the end and the main part. I'm so excited for you guys. This is gonna shock all of you!😂😂😂

Until next chapter, adios.

Until next chapter, adios

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