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Weeks went by. Green leaves gradually faded. They started shedding. Yes, it was turning autumn.
Well, something that didn't change was their pranks on each other.

There hasn't been any day one forgot to do so. It was quite kiddish for some but they found happiness in it. Fooling each other, and receiving that glare was a regular thing they enjoyed.

Their friendships had boosted. 

Taehyung as a social butterfly wrought to be be-friends with all. For everyone, he was someone to be looked upon to, an ideal type.

"Chimmm, save me, he's trying to catch me," Taehyung said running swiftly to Jimin, only to hide behind his shoulder.

"Lol, what happened Tae?" Jimin said giggling.

"Lemme guess, kook is after you for pouring iced latte at him at the cafeteria?" Suga asked monotonously.

"Umm...maybe, but protect me, he seemed scary" Tae dramatically told.

"Where is that brat? Lately growing horns, Taehyung where the fuck are you?" Jungkook came rather calmly walking but with a deep and loud voice that sure made Taehyung gulp because that was hot.

"Kook, here he's behind me" Jimin shouted raising his hand so that Jungkook could notice. 

As Jungkook set his eyes on Taehyung, he smirked.

"Ahh, Chim, u pabo, I hate you," Taehyung said defeated and started running again.

"Run as much as you want Taehyung, at the end of the day, the apple juice will be on your shirt" Jungkook grinning as he ran behind Tae.

Taehyung was soon met with a dead-end of the hall, and it low-key excited him as he heard Jungkook panting behind him.

"Haha, finally," Jungkook said.

Tae turned back to stare at those beautiful chest-nuts eyes, that face he adored. He slowly took steps back as the other went forward.

"Taehyung, babe, realize this, you keep inviting yourself into the lion's den," Jungkook said as he slammed his hand to both sides, trapping the other.

Taehyung gulped, seeing his crush up close, made his checks brush a slight pink shade. 

Both were starring, they knew that they had somethings towards each other but both shy enough to confess it. Both loved each other's presence, to tease them.


The bell startled both of them.

Taehyung swiftly bend and escaped from Jungkook and started walking.

Jungkook was still amazed, and he knew he was falling deep and he smiled.

"Oh well, I wonder who's drinking the apple juice now", Taehyung chuckled turning to show Junkgook sipping from the small tetra pack.

And this stunned Jungkook, cuz he remember putting it on his pocket. Damn, he's got the tactics. 

He followed up to Taehyung and they both walked back to the school entrance. It was time to go home.

"Tae, why don't you come to join us on this weekend.  We could just sleepover." Jimin excitedly suggested.

"Ya sure, Chim. I'll message you. Bye," He replied with his boxy smile. 

With one last glance at Jungkook he left.

Yet, another side, he kept his eyes on him as instructed by his boss.  Never forgetting that duty as it wasn't something he would risk for.

"Yes boss, he's doing pretty fine considering the fact that he's managing it all by himself" he chuckled.

"That's good to hear, he wasn't raised like that for nothing. It's been a long time since I saw him. All his warm hugs and surprises, I miss him" he sighed.

"We too miss him boss, but that's what he wanted. It long time since we let the butterfly out of the cocoon." he sneered.

"Hmm, keep tabs on him, after all, he's my dear." 

"Yes sure thing, boss" he promised.

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