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Love is miraculous. How it makes us strong and at the same time our weakness.

Taehyung shifted between sleep and woke up with a smile. Let's say his smile has even better than the previous days.

Looking over to see Jungkook, he only found a empty bed.

'He must have had work to do' Taehyung thought and strided to the bathroom to do his daily routine.

Going down, it was strangely quiet. Else anyone would hear Jimins laugh and Jhope shouting with Jin scolding them. But today, everything was just silent. No one was there. This worried Taehyung. He tried remembering if any one told him about their whereabouts, but he cudnt think of any.

"Oh, Taehyung. You might have been wondering. All of us are in the training room. We were practising. I'll serve you breakfast, come sit down." Jin said as he came running.

All of them had forgotten to tell Taehyung on their plan.


Oh, Jungkook could have at least told me. I pouted.

Jin had served me the breakfast and he left. I felt left out. I missed everyone here. I'm just probably overreacting.

My thoughts went over to yesterday. How beautiful was the date.

No one POV

"Oh hi Tae Tae. Good morning. Sorry all of us were training. How was you date yesterday?" Jimin said catching his breath.

"Oh hi Jiminiee....it was amazing. "

"Mm, Jungkook was talking about it. So boyfriends hmm" Jimin teased.


Both giggled.

"Chim, I actually wanted a favour from you." Taehyung said.

"Ya sure let me know."

"I honestly wanted some one to teach me self defence. I was trained before but now that I lost the touch of it, could you just help me in it?"

"Ya, but why now? Like your safe here, you don't have to worry about protection and moreover Jungkook is always around you." Jimin said.

"Ya, chim. But I don't want to be dependent on some one. And also, I'm lately getting fat." Taehyung pouted.

"Wait what, fat? Sure Tae. Mm I'll try but can we start next month. Cuz this month we're very busy." Jimin said.

"O-ohk, that's fine." Taehyung said sadly.

"I'll have to go now ok. Bye. Take care"

"Bye." Taehyung said back.

He was sad. It was first of all very boring and now this. He was thinking what to do.

Jimin POV

Why does Tae want to learn self defence now? And what did he mean by he had learned it before? I need to know more about his background.


I made a decision. But I don't know if it's ideal.

I could ask hyung to teach me. He wudnt be busy right now. I could just go for few classes so that I can protect Jungkook too! Obviously hyung was trained by my father and it's the best in Korea.

I picked up the phone and messaged one of the unknown numbers. They never revealed their actual numbers either ways.

Unknown number


Now I had to wait. That was my code. I was given this at the age of 15. All of us in the mafia had it. It revealed, Black Lily_T_A_E_H_Y_U_N_G.

After 5 mins, I had got a notification.


Bogum hyung, I identified.

Hey guys,

Stay safe.

Stay safe

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