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" I see, y'll gonna bunk classes like this then don't expect to me to be there for your graduation which would not exist at this point", Jin scolded.

"Hyung it's just boring, the same lame stuff," Jimin said as he laid down to the sofa, exhausted.

I went up to refresh myself. Took sweatpants and a white shirt and went right into the bathroom. After showering I went down.

"Guys, today we have a mission from boss. 2 drug dealers to be tracked and killed. We'll be having a meeting on that, have your food now." Namjoon said as he came from the security room.

After lunch

"Ok Suga and I will be tracking them and guiding you guys, Jimin on transport, Jhope, and Jungkook shooting. Now on with the details, both of them will be at the all-night bar from around 7 to 10. The boss has already arranged a trap for them, at 7:30, we'll take in charge. By 8:30, the scene must be clear. That's all we have got." He explained.

"Why are we killing them exactly?"

"Oh well Jimin, I'm not sure about that, but the boss told them they had several rape cases records and murdered our men too."

"Oh, this is gonna be an easy one then."

"Hoping so Yoongi."


"Guys, they have arrived, take positions." Suga alarmed them through the earbud.

"Dude, tell me how many, and the locations of camera," I asked them.

"As of now 4, excluding them and just wait lemme just check the cameras and put it on loop"

"Jhope, I'm going, shield me from the back"


"Camera clear"

"Guys, it's clear"

*3 Gunshots*

"That was pretty simple"

"Jimin, already there?"

"Yep, waiting for y'll"


Going back to the warehouse, I closed my eyes and let myself go back to the old memories, my mind taking over.

I don't know whether it was weird but shooting someone and seeing them suffer was always so satisfying for me. Maybe it's because coming home from school in 8th grade and seeing my dad laying down in a pool of blood and my mom brutally beaten isn't a common sight for all kids? That day it was this thing within me that promised to find and kill anyone or everyone who killed innocents. The world is cruel. No one wishes to fall in them, you just fall into it. And once your there, your trapped, it keeps pulling you. It wasn't easy for me to stand there, wanting to do something but unable to. That day I realized the ugly truth of life.

And if it wasn't for my hyungs, I would be still struggling. They provided me and nourished me. The times I gave up, yet they didn't. Jin hyung took care of me emotionally, providing food while Namjoon hyung taught me to withstand the obstacles. Yoongi and Jhope helped me in training, and Jimin, a good caring friend. All of them, helped me one or the other way and I'll respect them. I always thank God for that.

Few months later, I had killed all those who murdered my parents with the training from the hyungs. But one person was still left, the leader.

Jin hyung once told me to look for a soul mate, but I just didn't find any. And more importantly it would be my weakness. Until I kill him, I don't want any weaknesses.

Hello peeps,

How are you all? 

Thank you.

Thank you

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