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Reaching upon the place. Jungkook parked the car infront of an elegant restaurant.

1. Dinner

He guided Taehyung and went to the seat booked under Mr. Jeon.

"So, let's start. Tell me all your likes and dislikes." Jungkook said excited.

"Alright." Taehyung said as he spoke on everything he enjoyed doing to anything he despise.

"So then once-"

"Sir, your food."

"Oh, yes thanks."

They were enjoying their pasta while Taehyung was constantly speaking on his adventures. And Jungkook passionately listened. Well, Jungkook didn't have much happy stories to share but he sure did listen.

After the dinner, Jungkook payed the cash and set out to the next spot.

2. Art exhibition

He knew Taehyung love paintings and so why not a night tour to a art exhibition?

Taehyung was shook. He never thought Jungkook would think of this.

Both admired the art, sharing their interpretation on each painting. Joking here and there, they had a beautiful time.

Moving to the third destination, Taehyung started to feel sleepy. But luckily Jungkook brightened up the mood.

For this, Taehyung was asked to blindfold his eyes which he agreed to in seconds.

"Ok, slowly take steps. I'll be behind you." Jungkook said as his one hand held Taehyung's shoulder and another one protectively by waist.

"Kookie, where are we. It feels like we're up the hill and it's around 15 degrees." Taehyung shivered leaning closer to Jungkook.

"Haha, baby. Just a little more." Jungkook said.

After walking a little, Jungkook removed the blindfold and Taehyung shrieked.

Jungkook literally thinks the next level.

3. Hill top

It was spectacular

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It was spectacular. How all the lights diverged. The eye-catching city before their eyes. He turned to see Jungkook looking back at him with same excitement.

"I was once surrounded by darkness and no light. But one day a person came in and I felt a weird connection. Next day, we hated eachother, we fought, pranked. But day by day unknowingly I fell for you. And now that I look at my future, I don't see one without you. Cause I'll stand beside you through the years. You'll only cry those happy tears, and though I make mistakes, I'll never break your heart. So, will you be my boyfriend?" Jungkook asked tearing up.

Taehyung had his tears falling down. He was beyond happy. This was literally the best day in his life.

"Yes. I will" Saying this he jumped to the elder's arms. Jungkook holding him carefully.

They stared at eachother and Jungkook looked towards the others lips. Those were his new found weakness.

"Can I-" Before Jungkook could request a pair of lips were pressed to his.

Time wasn't ticking anymore. It was just the cold breeze hitting them and that beautiful kiss.

Taehyung moved back and looked at those eyes only to be kissed again with great passion. Both had touched each other's soul and it was everything they wanted. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Come let's see the beautiful stars hmm." Jungkook said carrying Taehyung and sitting on the grass.

Both gazed at the stars and the city beneath. Breathtaking.

This memory was engraved, to both of them as their best ever day.

Taehyung gradually fell asleep in Jungkook's arms from his warmth.

Jungkook was contended. But he knew for his happiness to prevail, he had to protect from the evil world.

Wrapping Tae securely, he went back to the car.

With the moon shining brightly, they both called it a night.


This chapter is just so beautiful...🧡🧡

Hope you enjoyed it!

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