𝕴𝖙 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖋𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓

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As you can see I put DYNASTY BY MIIA. That songs just fits this chapter.

Get ready with tissues. This chapter made me sad.😭

Taehyung POV

As I pulled the trigger I heard another muffled voice.

"Shoot like a man, pussy. See our face" Jimin shouted.

I felt like I knew that voice but it wasn't clear tho.

"Taehyung, do you wanna remove the blindfold?" Bogum asked calmly.

"Ya, that's fine." I said while he un-tied it.

And the very next moment the gun had fallen down making a loud noise. But that was not my concern, it was the people in front of me.

"K-kookie" I stuttered, tears running down my cheeks and tried to run to him but was stopped by Bogum.

"No please. Hyung, h-he's- ,l-leave him." I cried.

I cudnt believe it. All this time they were fighting against dad? They were enemies with us? Did them already know me? Were they using me? Questions filled my mind.

I looked over to Jimin and more tears came down.

"J-Jiminie..." I said shocked.

But he was smirking. Did he know my identity before? They used me to destroy KIMS?

"Aren't you pathetic? Crying for the people who were going to kill your dad?" Bogum spat.

To which I stopped my crying and shook my head furiously.No who is right?

J-Jungkook wudnt do that. He loves me, he kisses me and protects me. H-he wasn't fooling me all this time? Right?

I cudnt take all of the information. My head hurts. Slowly everything was spinning. The sight seemed to wear off. My breathing was breaking.

Bogum left my hands and went out.

Now I stood there, My legs almost giving up, I was shivering clueless what to do. In front was Jungkook, emotionless. I was waiting for any change in his expression but none. I searched those eyes for the truth. Truth whether he fooled a weakling like me. Played me to reach my dad.

My dad is the only thing I had, when everything was ripped away from me. This mafia was built from his hard work. Even if I sacrificed my childhood for his mafia, I'm still standing safely only because of the same mafia, which protected me.

"Kill them Tae." My dad said from behind. And that was all it took for me to take back the gun and point it straight on Jungkook's forehead.

I was a mommy's boy. Always listened to her. But once she passed away, my dad took care of me, took me to hospitals and fed me. I never got any love but that feeling that someone is there for you was provided by him. But as years grew he grew busier. Yet, he was still my dad.

I looked over to Jungkook. He was emotionless. Just nothing.

My hands shivering, my lips quivering, I stood.

"Why Jungkook? Just why?"

*Gun shot*

I was horrified. I didn't shoot him, I DIDNT!!

But I saw blood spluttering out of his abdomen. Wait did I shoot? I looked back to see who was it.


Another one and I heard my dad groaning and he got s-shot?

"D-dad?" I ran to him and noticed the blood using out from his chest at a faster rate.

"No, no way, dad get up" I wept and turned around to see Jungkook; one hand holding the gun and the other one holding his abdomen, stopping the blood.

I was completely broken. My dad was shot by my boyfriend? I cudnt. It was so much to take in and I noticed the same darkness taking over, similar to the ones I had 4 years ago. No, my panic attack. I tried breathing in, but the atmosphere, the scenes I witnessed, I slowly lost track of my breath, and the next thing I knew I had fainted.

It was chaos, The Black Cobras were killing the rest without any care. Their leader had been shot and they would finish every one.

After an hour, the Kims were executed but one, PARK BOGUM was nowhere to be found.

This is the MAIN HIGHLIGHT of the whole book and I was so excited in writing this very part. I wanted this one to be very dramatic and emotional, hope I conveyed that right!

Park Bogum escaped.

Now if you ask me who's the actual villain, Imma gonna ask you to read the chapter again. 😂


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