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By the end of the movie, Yoongi and Jimin were asleep on the sofa and both looked too cute to be waken up.

The same goes for Taehyung. Hugging to Jungkook like his life depended on it.

Jhope and Namjin had said their good night's are left the scene while Jungkook was still trying to get up with a tiny cute koala bear clung to him.

"Tae baby, just move for a sec, just for a minute, I'll just remove this blanket and then carry you." Jungkook said softly.

"Mmm, no. Want kookie." Taehyung said snuggling even closer to his source of warmth.

"Uhh, your making it hard for me cupcake, ok, let me try carrying you with the blanket." Jungkook said.

Jungkook now was walking up to their room. The blanket was annoying as it kept slipping but he tried to hold it.

"Kookie, we're flying?" Taehyung mumbled quietly giggling.

"Haha, we're flying, together into dreamland. Sleep well baby." Jungkook kissed the other's forehead and slowly put him to his bed.

He then went to his closet to remove his hoodie and went back to the bed.

What he saw was such a beautiful scene. His angel wrapped around a blanket, cheeks squished to the pillow, lips parted a bit. It was just too cute.

Jungkook had never been so happy. He was so glad that he had a gorgeous person whom he could share all his feelings with and support him. He will always cherish the people he love. Even though he cudnt do it in the past, he'll make sure to do it now.

Jungkook slept with the thought of that.

It was somewhere around 1, all were asleep, but just one struggled to.

His mind was filled with pain, cruelty, sorrow and blood. It's been very long since he had such dreams. He kept questioning, why was it his parents? Out of the whole world, only his.
The fun times they spent, going to the lake and camping with his family. Enjoying his favourite mom's tteok-bokki. Playing games with his dad. It was all just sweet memories. Only if he knew that it would last for a few years, he would have spend it more. He could have treasured them. He regrets it. Regret was stronger than gratitude.
Then it was the blood. His dad, his mom. Unknowingly tears welled up his eyes. And he woke up breathing heavily.

Jungkook stood up and went the balcony. He tried to calm his pace and feel the cold breeze pushing by his face. He kept having these dreams but it has been more than 2 months or so since he had it. After today's news from hyung, he was scared. He didn't want those cruel people who murdered his parents to do the same to his friends and him. Moreover, he had promised to fight them and avenge all of those.

"K-kookie, are you fine?" Taehyung asked quietly peeping from the glass.

"Mmm, I'm trying." Jungkook muttered. As much as he didn't want to show his weak side to Tae, he didn't want to hide it either ways.

"Oh, Jungkook. It's ok." Taehyung sadly said coming forward to hug the other.

"I know it's hard, your past events that trigger you. But you still stood up. Past might constantly remind you of how vulnerable you are, but that doesn't make whom you are. My kookie is strong and can fight it. We all are with you. And I'm there for you, will always be too." Taehyung said.

Jungkook felt better. Those were the words he wanted to hear.

"Thank you Tae" Jungkook said, brushing off his tears.

"Come let's sleep." Jungkook smiled.

And both went inside to sleep, keeping their nightmares away cuz now they had each other.

Jesus Christ

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Jesus Christ.

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