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He was successfully out of the mansion and now he set out.

After taking a bus, walking for 5 mins, he had reached the warehouse. His identity was known by all members and without any further checking he was let in.

"You can stay in the room next to the hall" A guy with the mask spoke to which he nodded.

Back to present

"So do you know a boy named Taehyung?" Jonghyun asked excited.

Hearning the last sentence Jungkook shivered. What did he do to Taehyung? How did he know about him? Jungkook panicked.

"So I'll tell you a story. 4 years ago there was a small family. A father, mother and son. The father was a mafia leader while the mother was a soft one who took care of his beloved son. The boy was around 14? But one night due to the father's mafia relations, another mafia attacked their family. They ripped the child from his mom and hit her and raped her brutally. The father came home to see his wife in that scene and his son fainted due to a panic attack. The kid suffered a lot. Going from multiple therapies to being there no one to love him. The father wanted the best for his child but he couldn't because of the revenge he had to fulfill for his wife. Then one day the boy exploded. He fought to be free. And then his father realized that he kept his boy trapped all these years because he was scared for the outside world. And after killing the entire mafia who killed his wife, he let his child out. Free, open to the world. " Jonghyun said.

Hearing this Jimin shrugged.

"But then the boy did an amazing job. He led us to you." Jonghyun smirked.

Jimin and Jhope were confused while Jungkook started to stitch all the clues.

The first day when he saw Taehyung, they looked similar to......K-Kim J-Jonghyun.

Taehyung was always skilled, he knew the right tactics.

On the mission that day, he was the one who fell at the right time.

He had never mentioned his surname.

And on the paper, the butterfly, let out FREELY

"TAEHYUNG IS YOUR SON?" Jungkook spluttered out.

Gasps were heard from both Jimin and Jhope as they tried to digest the things they just heard.

"Omg, smarty. Yes, all along, Taehyung was there, enacting everything perfectly. From capturing your heart to now even breaking it" Bogum laughed.

Jungkook was paralyzed. He just couldn't process things. Everything seemed like a dream he desperately wanted to get up from. Taehyung was faking it all? No, my Tae would never do that. Unknowingly tears welled up his eyes.

And then the door opened revealing a tall slim man, blindfolded.

Taehyung? Jungkook thought. He recognized him in a sec. The way he walked, the way he used to keep his hands beside him, he was obsessed with the younger, and without him knowing HE FELL FOR THE TRAP.

"You fucking bitch" Jimin screeched the moment he saw Taehyung entering. But his voice was muffled due to the cloth stuffed up in his mouth.

Jungkook was just begging everyone to wake him up. The dream felt too good to be real.

All three were hand-cuffed on their knees while Bogum and Taehyung stood in front of them and Kim Jonghyun behind on the chair.

"Now Taehyung in front of you there are 3 bad people. They kept annoying your dad. I'll check your shooting skills now alright. Here is the gun." Bogum explained as he took the gun out and added the bullets.

Why is he blindfolded? And why aren't they telling him it's us? Something is wrong. Jungkook thought.

Taehyung POV

Oh, finally I can show my skills and hyung can teach me.

Just imagine how proud kookie will be to see me using a gun properly. Yaya.

I thought as I got the gun.

"Umm hyung is dad there here?" I asked.

"Yes son. I'm right behind you." He said.

To which I was so happy. My dad after so long, I wanted to see him but this blindfold, ugh. Why did Bogum hyung tell me to wear one? Oh, maybe I cud show my skills better?

"So hyung. Tell me the locations." I asked.

"Right. The first one in the centre is at an angle of depression of 15 degrees and is 12m away from you" Bogum said smirking.

As he said, I positioned my angle and aimed at the distance, planning it all over my head.

"Pull the trigger and shoot Taehyung" Bogum said.

Jungkook POV

If Taehyung was gonna shoot me, I was ready for it. I was foolish for his love and I called this for myself. I let down myself. It's all my fault. I will take his bullet all by myself but only after

(A little more)😁

I kill his father, Park Bogum and him.

Oops. The chapter is kinda heart breaking. What do you guys think? There's indeed something fishy right?

Guys I'm sad. This beautiful journey is soon ending. But don't worry I promise you all it's NOT going to be a SAD ENDING. I won't do that. I would literally hate myself for doing that. Just trust me hmm.

 Just trust me hmm

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