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"So what is your first class?" Hobi asked to which I replied Literature.

"Oh, that's great because Jungkook too goes for the same class", he said and I just hummed.

"Jimin. I needed to visit the coordinator, could we leave?"

" Oh ya sure, bye guys see ya", he chuckled and we left.

Jungkook's POV

As I enter the classroom, I notice that the aura changes, all became silent, and get ready for their class. Hah, these people. It's always been like this. Two years back when I joined, the first days I was bullied because apparently "I was innocent", well that changed the following days. They had asked for it.

"Why is everyone quiet?"

I turned to look at the person who dared to utter the word. To my surprise there stood Taeh..ugh his name, whatever none of my concern. I glared at him. He just had a poker face and went to his seat.

"Good morning students, welcome to the new academic year! I'm Choi Jini and I'll be taking literature. Looking forward to having a great year with you all. Oh, and I heard that we are having a new student, ahh right yes, Taehyung, come here dear and introduce your self", she plastered a smile to welcome him.

Oh, so that's his name, Taehyung. As he walked to the front, I noticed him. Pretty, one word that fits him. Those beautiful hazelnut eyes, his cute nose with that mole, cherry lips and his body, he looked fit but not too muscular and got the perfect curves at right places, the way he smiled...that boxy-smile which could make anyone fall for him.

Wait Jungkook, you alright?


After the class I noticed Taehyung, looking at me. I could say he was nervous to ask me something and unknowingly that bought a smirk across my face. Oh, now he's coming here.

"Well, creep I don't really appreciate you staring at me during class and just because your Jimin's friend I'm not taking it seriously." With that he left.

Wait what, that was kinda hot, lol I thought him to be a cute little innocent boy. God.

4 periods later, I was just done with this. I just wanted to leave, arts was never my thing.


Hyung any new info regarding him?

This is too boring, early in the morning, ughh

Let's leave, please

Yoon Hyung

Nothing much dude, that bastard is still not speaking..we'll have to wait

I'll message Jimin and see if he's fine with it, then let's leave



Msg me back

After 5 mins

Let's go


Finally, I can leave. Unknowingly I looked at Taehyung, only to see him deeply engrossed on what ma'am was discussing. Jeez, another nerd.

"Ma'am, may I use the washroom?"

" Jungkook, stop interrupting me and yes leave and be back soon"

"Yah, Jungkook what are you taking your backpack for? Get back here"

Jeez, that bitch.

Going to the ground, saw Yoongi, Jimin, and Hobi with their motorbikes. I went to mine and placed my backpack and set out.


Hope you guys liked the chapter.

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