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"Oh well, it was just a assumption. U guys had guns yesterday and there were rumours in college too." I said supporting it.

"Well, you notice precise things", Namjoon said raising a brow.

Well, even staying in that mansion, I was trained day and night on different skills. And it wasn't difficult to identify a group of people belonging to mafia.

As much as I want to tell them, at least Jungkook that I was brought up by the largest mafia and being the only son of the mafia leader, Kim Jongun, I should restrain myself. It was what I had promised my dad. And I'll stick on to it.

"Ok, why don't we have a movie night today?" Jimin said excited.

"Ok cool, I'll make snacks." Jim stated.

Have I told anyone that I love cooking? I love trying out new recipes but I cudnt do before.

"Hyung, could I help you too?" I shyly asked.

"Oh yes, sure. I would be so glad. No one in this house helps me anyways." Jin stated.

"Cuz none of us are jobless here." Suga said before going back to his room.

I wondered, does he never smile? The only time I saw was when Jimin checked up some joke. He's so chubby.

"Namjoon hyung, let's discuss on the future possibilities ya. Taehyung I'll be in my office. Get to know the places but don't go the restricted areas." Jungkook warned.

I nodded and stood up to help Jin hyung.

As we were cleaning up the places, a question startled me.

"Tae, do you like Jungkook?" Jin asked.

Well, that question. To begin with I didn't know what was that feeling. As I came to college, I just felt Jungkook unique and handsome. Like everything he did fascinated me. Whenever he looked at me, I saw myself drowning in those eyes. His voice, was so soothing, that I forgot about everything I faced. Pranking him, the reaction was just blissful for me. Every second I wanted to enjoy with him.

"Uh, yes hyung sort of. I don't kmow, I just like staying with him, I think I- I like him" I said blushing.

"Haha, I get your feeling. It's beautiful isn't it. Jungkook too likes you. I can see it. Yesterday you had to see his face. Even if was just a fracture, the emotion he held was deep." Jin said.

I was just so happy. Jungkook likes me. Ahh.

"Take care of him, Tae. He's been through a lot. Even though we were there for him, there's still that one part empty." Jin said sadly.

"May I ask hyung, what happened to him?" I asked curiously.

"Time will come Tae and its not my place to tell also." Jin smiled.

"Hmm, hyung. So what are we cooking for today's movie night?" I said trying to change the topic not to press on it anymore.

"Oh yes, I was thinking, caramel popcorn, ice cream pops and cookies" Jin replied.

"Oh wow, hyung. I'm excited"

I'm soft

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I'm soft. Yoonmin is just sooo  cute. Yoongi is a little meow meow.

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