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Tae P.O.V

Hmmm, a smile. There, I woke up. Turned to look at the clock, it read sharp 7. Hah, this was the habit I developed growing up with my dad. Punctuality. Whether it be anything, this gotta be our part and parcel of life. I strode towards the bathroom, got freshen up, and put on the blue jacket and pants. Starring in the mirror, thinking about how this year is going ahead, hope everything's good.

Hopping down to the kitchen, I quickly made a sandwich and decided to get a coffee from the shop downtown. I grabbed my backpack and set out.

 I grabbed my backpack and set out

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(Except the tattoos lol)

Walking across the street, I felt eyes piercing holes in my back, and so when I turned there was no one. I'm sure it's the bodyguards he had told me about. Annoying creeps.

As I made my way to the college, I was fascinated. There were so many students around! Few gathered up at a corner listening to the seniors about the new semester while some reuniting with their friends, excited about their new academic year. 

"Hey, are you new here?" I turned to the direction of the voice.

"Hey, are you new here?" I turned to the direction of the voice

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There stood a rather short boy, a blonde with a beautiful face. Cheeks slightly pink, and a beautiful smile. I did take a moment to appreciate his features. Oh, great, now I might look like an absolute fool! Way to start your day fool. But he looked comfortable like it was normal for him. 

"Hii, yes I'm indeed," I replied with a small smile. 

"Oh well then, I'm Jimin, Park Jimin. Nice to meet you. I was hoping we could be friends, we could hang out not that I don't have friends but all are brats and I noticed you from behind and guessed that you were a freshman and decided to ask you. I didn't want to be a creep also, lol, so what say?"

Woah, that was honestly the fastest thing someone has ever said or I have heard!

"Lol, ya sure. I'm Taehyung by the way and I would love to be your friend. Infact, I was searching for someone who could help me getting familiarised with the building and the classes." I replied now with even a bigger smile.

" Cool then, so let's start by introducing my 'amazing friends' to you," Jimin said excitedly.

Everything was going well, and I was so happy because this is exactly how I wanted things to be. Friends, art, and following my dreams.

We walked over to a table, I could see four men all dressed in black, giving out this not-very- positive vibe?. They looked oddly different yet trying to fit into the environment. "Guys, hear out, this is my new friend Taehyung." All of them lifted their heads to look at me, while one of them was still on his phone.

" Hi, I'm Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi! So new here?"

I nodded with a slight smile.

"Taehyung this is Yoongi, my boyfriend" I shifted my gaze to where Jimin had pointed.

He looked cold, unbothered, but looked up and showed a small smile.

While talking with Jhope, I felt eyes staring me from up to down. I suddenly felt nervous, wait nervous for? I saw a guy looking up to me. The same one who was checking the phone earlier. Such a creepy person I thought.

"And finally that's Jungkook" Jimin said pointing out.

Before I could say hi, Jungkook stood up and left.

That's mean.

"Oh, he-he's not in a good mood today, but don't worry. You guys will catch up soon." Jimin suggested.

Hey guys,

Hey guys,

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Take care.

Thank you.

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