𝕮𝖔𝖈𝖔 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖕, 𝖆𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖚𝖗𝖈𝖍

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With one last glance at Taehyung, Jungkook left.

"Hey, guys. Freshen up quick, I'm sure Jungkook informed you guys with the mission." Namjoon asked them.

"Yea hyung. So, what's the mission all about?" Jimin questioned.

"It's with our shipping but apparently we got information from the security team that Kims have spotted this deal and its quite predictable that they will sabotage this. So we'll have to pretend normal but simuntainasly, be alerted and be ready to attack if they come", Namjoon stated.

"Alright hyung."

After freshening up they decided on the roles to be taken and keeping a backup.

"It's on this Friday, 10 A.M the drugs will be loaded. Jungkook and Jhope will be on the rooftop of the building across, at a distance of 180m away from the scene. Jimin and Suga will keep an eye of the exchange, see any thing strange, immediately report it. And you guys also make sure to have a vehicle near you guys, as there's a high chance of them escaping. Jin and I will be checking the camera's. Boss doesn't want any obstacles this time guys." Namjoon said.

"Ok, guys I'll be at the training room. Bye" with that Jungkook left.

"What's up with him?" Jin asked.

"I don't know hyung, I saw Tae and him weren't talking and looked like they were pissed." Jimin stated.

"Mm, by the way, I wanted to meet this Tae" Jin said getting up.

" Mm, soon hyung" Jimin replied and rose.
Both leaving to the kitchen.



Oh today I'm meeting up with Jihoon, yay. But I'm still not that happy.

Jungkook. My mind is filled with him. It's always just him, the way he talks, his smile, all the pranks we do.

Tae was stopped by a call. He picked the phone lying to see an unknown number.

He immediately answered it because he wasn't scared of 'unknown number' as first, all his calls are audible to the boss and second, they usually call him through unknown numbers.

"Hello" Taehyung said to the phone.

"Hey, Tae. Looks like every thing is going pretty normal huh?" The other chuckled.

"Oh yes, hyung. It's going well, the classes are fine." He immediately replied as he realized the owner of the voice.

"Mm, good to hear that, but he misses you. Anyways today I had decided to visit you but things came up, so thought of checking up on you." The other said.

"Oh, well now he misses me, suits him, all these years he never paid attention when I wanted him." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so harsh on him, Tae. After all he had to build all this." The other said.

"Ya whatever. Did you just call me for that?" Taehyung asked.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. Are you meeting up with anyone today, at around afternoon?"

"Umm, ya. With a guy. Why ask?" Taehyung questioned.

"Oh that's great. But tell him to keep the location at Coco shop which is near the church." The other specified the details.

"That's so random, why would you want that?" Taehyung asked.

"I'll tell you that later. For now do it. Maybe you might see me there." The other said.

"Ya, sure. I'm so excited in meeting you hyung" Taehyung sneered.

"Sure. Anyways bye Tae. Take care." The other said.

"Ya, ok bye."

Taehyung cut the call and decided to call up Jihoon to change the location.
After that, he thought of checking the messages, low-key expecting from Jungkook, but nothing.


Hey good morningggg

Hey good morningggg

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Good morning, lol

But why did Bogum hyung ask me to do that? Taehyung wondered.

Sup y'll

The maknae line and all my 3 biases

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The maknae line and all my 3 biases. I-
Here my story on BTS

So first, I despised them k(LMAO, can't believe I'm the same person). Like I used to be, 'eWw gAy. ThEy pUt mAkE uP'. Apologies for the dumb me.
But then, 2 years later I watched Mic Drop and boom, I grew interested n started my research. At the beginning all were identical twins except TAEHYUNG. N there he became my bias. Then there was the maknae, for whom I fell for too. N I guess Jimin was my bias wrecker that time, but that soon changed after hearing Dream glow. His vocals are just-


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