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Reaching upon their house, Jungkook delicately carried Taehyung inside and went to his room. Seeing this Jin was astonished and followed him.

"Jin hyung, please take care of him. If I'm not wrong, he has fractured his bones. Please fix it." Jungkook desperately pleaded.

"I-is this Taehyung?" Jim took a wild guess by Jungkook's face.

"Ya, please. Fast, hyung." Jungkook nodded.

Jin smiled and straight away went to take the needful things.

"Jungkook, I'll have to change his clothes, so just keep your extras and leave ok. I have to take the medical check up." Jin said as he concentrated of Taehyung.

Jungkook did as instructed and left the room.

On the hall, all were having a discussion.

"Its okay. We anyways shot him, and the shipping was successful. Boss was glad." Namjoon praised.

"Ah, I'm tired now. Jimin come, let's go." Yoongi whined.

Jungkook walked down, grabbing attention of all.

"How is he?" Hoseok asked.

"Jin is taking care of him" Jungkook replied distressed.

"Hmm, he'll be fine. Bye guys" Jhope cheered and left.

All left the room except for Namjoon and Jungkook.

"You did well today, kook." Namjoon hummed.

"Thanks hyung, it's just that I'm worried for Tae." Jungkook said looking down.

"It will be alright. You must like him that deeply ya?" Namjoon chuckled.

"I don't know hyung, I just wanna protect him. I know it's not of a big deal but it was him that very moment." Jungkook said.

"Why was he there tho?" Namjoon questioned.

And that made both of them wonder, but let it aside as it would be absurd to think on that.

At night, Jungkook went back to his room. Jin had told him that, Taehyung was fine now, he had woken up and was fed soup and dozed off again. He also mentioned that Tae needs bed rest for a few days.

Opening the door, he noticed Tae sleeping hugging a pillow, covered by the blanket. He smiled at the view.

He took a shower, put on sweats and switched off the lights. Lying on bed, he slowly pulled Taehyung close to him.

Finding a new source of warmth, Taehyung hugged Jungkook, laying his head on his chest unconsciously.

Both slept peacefully, completely satisfied in other's presence.

As morning came, Taehyung was woken up with a strong hand wrapped around his waist and with a beautiful view. It looked like one of those in his dreams. Waking up next to his crush, admiring his perfect face.


I was so flustered when I woke up, me bieng cuddled by him.Jungkook looked like a cute baby. I wanted to squish those cheeks. My gaze travelled down to his lips, how would it feel to kiss someone? I thought. Looking down, I realized.

He isn't wearing a shirt. OMG, I repeat I can see his c-chest and his a-abs and omgggg. Wow, I let my finger touch the strong built muscles. My finger unknowingly passed through the waistband and in a fraction of second, I was swifted and was under him now.

No one POV

Jungkook had woke up as soon as he felt a touch on his skin but was anticipating what would happen next. He loved the reaction he got from Tae. As his fingers reached the waistband, Jungkook decided to stop it before he cudnt control it.

"You wudnt want to go further cupcake", Jungkook huskily said, which sure made shivers run down of the other's spine.
Taehyung was intimidated by the male and blushed.

"G-good M-morning", Taehyung shyly said.

Jungkook didn't respond but stared onto the face and took a note of all the details. This made Taehyung to blush even more and pushed Jungkook back to bed.

With a slight thud, Jungkook fell and Tae laughed.

"Good morning cupcake, I like this morning. A perfect start, we must do this often. Why not make it everyday hmm?" Jungkook smirked as he carefully pulled Tae into his lap and surrounded his arms around Tae.

Tae looked to Jungkook and shyly nodded. He was too caught up in the feeling.

Jungkook smiled and sneakily travelled his hands inside Tae's shirt, caressing his hips.

Taehyung was feeling a lot of things. He never felt such before.

"I like you Taehyung." Jungkook honestly said looking into those eyes.

"I-I too l-like you." The other shyly replied.

Jungkook was proud and kissed Taehyung's forehead and pulled the other closer for a hug.

"Good morning, oh-" Jin said as he paused to see what was happening.


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