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A/N: Any feedback is super helpful, also suggestions for the story are always welcome! 

"Anything from the trolley dears?"

The lady asked, I shake my head no. Pansy does the same, and the lady moves to the next table. 

"Excited Pans?"

"A little, maybe this year he'll finally notice me"


I'm being sarcastic, I know exactly who she's talking about...

Ferret Boy.

"Oh you know who, I have been chasing him my whole life, I don't know why he doesn't see me that way..."

"Maybe tone it down then, don't chase, he'll see your behavior change, and then maybe he'll see you in a different, more desirable, way"

"Hm, smart l/n"

"I know...hey I'm gonna go change into my robes, I'll be right back"

"Okay, be quick! I don't want to get stuck in a conversation with Theo again"

Last time that happened, it ended in a pointless argument about pumpkins.

That's all I know.

I grab my green and black robes from my trunk, and start heading to the bathrooms. The train is bustling with noise, all the first years talking about how excited they are.

Oh how I wish I could go back to the first day I walked through the castles doors....


"Slytherin!" The sorting hat shouted. 

"Yes!!" I say to myself quietly, I walk over to the Slytherin table, and find a seat next to this raven haired girl. Her black eyes caught my attention.

"Hi, I'm y/n, y/n l/n"

No response

"Hey, I'm Theo Nott!"

The boy next to raven haired girl shouts

"Oh uh hello!" I say nervously, at least I have a friend now.

"C'mon Pansy, be nice", Theo announces.

No response

"I'm Pansy Parkinson", she mutters as she holds out her hand to me

"Nice to meet you..." why does that name sound so familiar?

my roommate...SHES MY ROOMMATE?! 

"I think we're roommates...Pansy..."

"Great..." she mutters, 

how fantastic, I think. 

who knows, maybe she will warm up to me...


I can't believe that was 5 years ago, wo-

I feel a muscular shoulder bang against mine, whoever this is, is dead.

I start looking up to meet ocean blue eyes and red hair

well this should be fun.

A/N: sorry for a short first chapter!! I just wanted to give Nica some background and establish some foundation!! I hope you're enjoying so far

word count: 399

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