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WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! i think to myself

what is mattheo doing?

trying to ruin our friendship??

I pull away after a second or two, frozen in place, unable to process what just happened

he's about 4 years too late....

as I pull away, mattheo sits there looking guilty but also relieved

"i'm gonna go matthe-"

"NO wait y/n please, im sorry that was out of line, can i just explain please?"

"fine", it's the least i owed him after all the hell he's been through this passing week

"i love you"

my eyes widen, my breathing stops for a millisecond

"you WHAT?!" did i hear him correct?

"y/n I have loved you since first year, you are the happiest and funniest person I have ever met"

"mattheo i-"

"no please, let me finish"

i digressed

"you don't have to say you love me too, or even remotely like me. but i am always here, as a friend or more"

he's being so vulnerable

this isn't like him, he's always has a hard exterior, it seemed like his heart was made of ice

"i care about you so much y/n, that even if u said you hated me, I would still love you just the same, i've bottled these emotions up for so long because of you and weasley, but that's obviously over"

i stayed silent

unaware of what i was supposed to say

i love him, but not like that.

not after i learned how to love.

i just can't, not now, not ever.

im so sorry riddle, please forgive me.

"say something please y/n"

"i love you riddle, but not in that way" i say finally, feeling awful

but it isn't my fault, nor is it his

"I understand y/n, ill always be here, like i have been all these years, nothing can change that"

"thank you for opening up to me mattheo, now go get some sleep, and tomorrow we can get that hand treated?"

"okay, night y/n"

"goodnight riddle"


word count: 352

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