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"...so if you add... lets say 12, instead of 10 drops of monkshood extract a small explosion would most likely happen" Ron basically whispers directly down at his textbook, coward.

"merlin, Ron will look at me for just a second" I say out of utter frustration, I can't hear a word this stupid boy is saying

Ron looks up and rolls eyes

"you know what I'm just going to address this now" Ron starts

 "this flirty little...thing we have has to stop. I like Hermione, and I wouldn't ever like someone as irritating as you, so stop."

"a "thing" or friendship isn't one sided, and I haven't been flirting, it's you who has been, that comment you made the other day when you came out of the shower, real mature".

"just FUCK OFF Y/N PLEASE FOR MERLINS SAKE" He screamed as he pushed himself out of his chair, almost braking its frail wooden legs

"I don't understand why you are SO MAD Ronald Weasley!" Ron is getting so worked up over something he initiated, he's the one who I walked into snogging another girl, this is RIDICULOUS.

"just leave please.....LEAVE Y/N."

"jeez, alright, I'm leaving asshole"

I storm out, just to appease him. Very angry Ron is not someone I want to deal with today.

~time skip~

By the time I got back to the common room, after talking to people I passed by, it was already 10:00pm.

I walk into the common room to find Mattheo sitting on the couch, I forgot today was his last day of detention.

"hey Mattheo" I mutter quietly as I take a seat next to him

"oh, hey y/n, what are you doing back this late?"

"I had a stupid tutoring session with Ron, and I got caught up in the hallway coming back from it"

"sounds very unpleasant" Mattheo says, with a slight smile

I suddenly look down at notice his hand, its dripping blood with the horrific words edged into his hand

I pick his hand up ever so gently, feeling so awful for my friend

"Mattheo this isn't okay, we have to tell Dumbledore"

"Dumbledore doesn't care about slytherins y/n, you seem to have forgotten that"

"Mattheo please, this is tortu-"

"Y/N! please just drop it" he snakes his hand out of mine, and looks like he is on the verge of tears

"Mattheo, I care about you, this is why I am pushing this, your obviously hurt"

Mattheo looks up, and I suddenly feel a pair of 

cold lips smash into mine

word count: 440

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