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A/N: Thank you for almost 300 reads!! love you guys <3333

its been days since the party.

the tutoring sessions have been nothing brutal.

we sit there in silence while i do worksheets that Snape gives me

normally, Ron would help me through them, but now if im confused

"good luck"


where am i? why is dark all around me, just a second go i was in my dorm. 


a voice yells

i try to say hello, but nothing comes out

not a single sound.


the voice sounds urgent

it sounds hurt

and frail, but strong?

i try to yell for the voice, but again nothing comes out

absolutely nothing

"AHHHHHHH" i was flung back into more darkness.

when i yelled sound came out

but when i go to answer the voice, nothing.

i see the faint outline of a figure walking towards me

muscular arms

broad shoulders

the figure reaches it hands out towards me

i go to grab it...


my eyes shoot open 


"JEEZ okay pans, im getting up im getting up"

"finally, hurry!!"

she slaps my leg under my comforter, and storms out

lovely way to start my morning.

~time skip to breakfast~

i sit the so far from Draco and Theo as possible

well not Theo as much, i am still PISSED off at Draco.

what he did ruined my relationship with Ron

the relationship that took a long time to repair

a relationship that I thought could never be repaired

a relationship that i wanted

he has to ruin everything doesn't he.

~time skip to tutoring session~

~current day: october 18th, wednesday, test: october 23rd, monday~

i wake up from a much needed nap after Quidditch practice, and i look at the time 



i rush to grab my things and fly out of my dorm

i approach Rons dorm, i see him leaving 

with Harry?

where does he think he's going? we have a tutoring session...

i mean yes i overslept, but that doesn't mean you blow off the session.

I stand behind the corner, as i see Rons lips start to move

"i mean who does she think she is? she is lucky enough i am even still doing these stupid tutoring sessions" Ron muttered, obviously fed up me.

"Ron, mate, its so obvious you're not over her, don't act so tough. I know you enjoy those silent tutoring sessions. You need to stop being so cold to her, after all it wasn't her fault that Draco tried to beat you up. By the way you described what happened when you got back to our common room, and the conversation you had with her, she seemed sorry."

 Harry said that as if he had been waiting to say it. 

"Harry i let her in again, and just like last time i ended up hurt. this time it was physically and emotionally"

"and i understand that, but you know i wouldn't be saying this stuff unless it was true, just a month ago i despised her, but by the way you described her, it was as if you were meeting her for the first time again. You were so happy, and that is worth more than getting hurt, the memories you make are important"

"wow very deep, cmon lets go, she obviously isn't showing up"

"whatever mate, lets go"

and then the weirdest thing happened

Harry winked

not at Ron

at me

Ron was standing so his back was to the corner, but not harry

he obviously saw me

okay potter, i see you

thank you.

A/N: AHH i love harry, i want to make him like y/n's bestfriend in this story, besides her Slytherin friends obvi. anyways, we don't stand Ron in this chapter.

word count: 640

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