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A/N: the time skips are underlined in this chapter because all the text is italicized to show that this is a flashback

 buckle up, this is a long one


"pansy who is that red headed boy sitting 2 rows in front of us?" I asked pansy in divination

"oh that's a weasley, we don't associate with them, even though they are purebloods"

"why can't I talk to him?"

"his family is a disgrace to the wizarding world, that's why, just drop it y/n okay? you have me and the boys, and that's enough right?"

"yeah, sorry i brought it up..." i said with a hint of sadness in my voice

"hey! i only warned you because I love you, c'mere"

we hugged it out, but I couldn't get his smile out of my mind.

~time skip to 2 weeks later~

when pansy was sick, i decided that was the perfect time to introduce myself to the red haired boy

i waited till his friends were ahead of him, and went up behind, and poked is shoulder

he turned around in a haste

"hi! I'm y/n, y/n l/n, i'm in your divination class?"

"oh...uh hello i'm ron, ron weasley, i haven't noticed you, where do you sit?"

"I sit 2 rows behind you, next to pansy"

"OH your a slytherin...well I have to go..." he starts to walk away

"WAIT!" I catch up to him

"my friends told me not to talk to you, yet here I am. i am not a stereotype slytherin" I said with a disappointed tone, why does my house have to dictate everything?

"i'll just go then, bye now" I say with my head down, he is the ONLY person who has managed to make me nervous around them

"by-" i faintly heard as I was walking away, well I am surely not going to be seeing much of him anymore, thanks sorting hat.

~time skip to the next day~

pansy still isn't back in classes, man this is boring...

suddenly a note appears on my desk, in the shape of a bird

it reads:

dear y/n,

sorry about yesterday, that was kind of out of line. I have never really talked to a  Slytherin without them bullying me or saying bad things about Harry to me"

omg I forgot, he is best friends with the Harry Potter.


i was wondering if maybe we could start over? meet me at the Gryffindor common room doors after school today? I would really love to get to know you


ps: i like y/h/c

aww he likes my hair :)

i look up to find him nervously looking at me, i smiled and nodded my head, indicating a yes.

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