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"So how was everyone's first day...?" Enzo asks, with fake enthusiasm.

"Fantastic Enzo, thanks for asking" I say, half meaning it

Enzo rolls his eyes, and gets back to eating his rather plain dinner of chicken and some sort of rice.

"My day was great Enz, how about yours?" Pansy breaks the incredibly thin ice.

"Pretty good Pans, you're so polite" Enzo gives a half hearted smile while I suddenly hear a high pitched uptight voice coming from the hallway

3 guesses who it is.

"But what exactly are you insinuating?" Umbrat spats at McGonagall

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices" McGonagall fired back

this arguments goes on for god knows how long, I pay attention when I hear the words  "immediate action" escape Umbridge's mouth

oh god.

~time skip~

We all went back to the common room, as time passed everyone but me went up their dorms, even Pans, who normally stays with me until I want to go up.

I come to end of the chapter in my book when I hear the common room door open, and in walks Mattheo

I didn't even notice he didn't come back to common room after dinner with us, he must have branched off, he had detention

and he got back this late?? 


"Hey stranger" I say to him as I close my book, sit up from the couch and walk over to him

"night" he says sternly, bumps his shoulder against mine, and speed walks to the staircase leading to the dormitories.

oh hell to the fucking no. 

"absolutely not, mattheo stop." i say, trying to mimic his tone

I reach out for his hand and manage to grip it, but he pulls it away in pain


"NO, SHOW ME YOUR GODDAMN HAND NOW MATTHEO" I yell at him, I start walking closer to him, chest up, trying to show my dominance to him

you can't scare me away

i was brought up to know better.

"for fucks sake mat-"

his hand

its bloody

with words

"I must respect my superiors"

wedged into his hand, every word cutting deeper into his pale skin.

why did i get mad, he's my friend

"Mattheo I'm so-"

before I could finish he pulled his hand out of mine and stormed off

and in a heartbeat I was alone

with just my thoughts


word count: 413

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