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A/N: there will be some chemistry between y/n and Mattheo, but I promise this is a ron fanfic, this is just for some spice :)

I wake up bright and early, get ready and head down to breakfast. Draco, Blaise and Mattheo are already there, but Pansy and Theo are missing. 


"Morning gorgeous" Mattheo says as I walk over with a tray of food

was he being flirty? or a dick?

eh, too early to care.

~groovy time skip bc laziness~

I walk into my third class completely exhausted, but perk up when I see Mattheo sitting in the seat next to mine. I perk right back down when I remember that the pink devil is teaching it.

"hey" I say to brunette boy seated to my left

"hi pretty"

"what is up with the backhanded compliments, you're being a dick", I'm so annoyed with him, he needs to stop teasing me with them

do I think Mattheo Riddle is hot? yes absolutely

would I date Mattheo Riddle? no absolutely not

"they're not backhanded, I mean them", he whispers in my ear

"nice to see you've finally grown a pair", I whisper back into his ear, in which he pulls his face away from mine and scoffs.

that oughta stop him.

"something funny Mr.Riddle?" Umbridge asks 

"yeah" he replies, looking the pink devil right in the eyes

"care to share with the class Mr.Riddle?"



"detention for 3 days after school Riddle, maybe then you'll be willingly to share with the class" Umbridge yells, with a smile on her face

psycho bitch.

"MATTHEO! she definitely deserved that response, BUT we have Quidditch after school everyday this week, why would you do that? It's the first day of classes, you couldn't swallow your pride for one minute?" I mutter in a very annoyed tone, god this fucking idiot.

"your fault I got it princess"

"fuck off riddle"

after class I leave immediately, can't be bother with him today

goddamn you riddle.

~yay another time skip~

FINALLY it's my last class, Potions. Easy. Snape loves us slytherins, this class should go by just fi-


my seat partner is Ron.

i've always hated potions.

word count: 372

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