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"She's pretty isn't she" I whisper to Ron, almost directly in his ear

"yeah she is-" he says in the most dreamy tone

"wait WHAT" he snaps back into reality

"shove off y/n. mind your own business for once" he mutters in an annoyed tone

I laugh a bit, then go back to half paying attention to Snape.

Oh shit I have to tell Snape about the tutoring situation. 


~time skip to the end of potions~

"Professor Snape, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Just for a moment L/N, I have a meeting with the Headmaster, now what is it?"

"The tutoring sessions with Ron aren't going well, could I maybe have a new tutor?"

"Regrettably, all my other stellar students are already tutoring their assigned students, I'm sorry but Mr. Weasley is your only option."

"Professor Snape please-"

"I have to go Miss L/N, you will continue with Mr. Weasley, your test score was one of the lowest in our class, you have no other option. Leave my classroom at once"

I turn around and immediately leave, bracing myself to go tell Ron.

~time skip~

I wait till dinner, and find him sitting with Harry and Hermione. I walk up to him

"Ron, we have to talk"

he turns his head to me, rolls his eyes, and continues eating

"Oh for merlins sake-"

I yank him by the collar, and basically drag his ass out of the Great Hall


"well, your stubborn ass wouldn't come talk to me willingly, so I had to use force"

"I'm leaving, this is ridicu-"

I grab the back of his sweater vest and pull him towards me, jesus he's such a pain.

"NO, you're gonna listen to me Weasley, I asked Snape for a new tutor, but unfortunately, he can't find me one. So I'm stuck with you, just help me get a C or above on this test, and then we never have to speak again."

"To be honest, I don't care that I get 20 house points, this is so dumb. I don't want to be around you more than I have to be. You're annoying and careless"


"I'll pay you then, 10 galleons per tutoring session? That's forty galleons a week for a month. Sound good asshole?"

"make it 15 and we have a deal"

are you kidding me? I shouldn't have to pay him at all. But I do really need the help, thank god my parents left me a very large sum of money for school. Bless their souls.

"FINE you prick, 15 it is."

"wonderful, I'll see you tomorrow asshole"

"literally fuck off Ronald Weasley."

~time skip to the tutoring session~

I walk up to Rons dorm, and knock

no answer

your fucking kidding me.

I knock again


alright fuck this.


the door opens to reveal Hermione and Ron making out on Ron's bed

"NO WAY-" I say maybe a bit too loud for my own good

I startle the FUCK out of hermione, as she scrambles out of the room so fast, you'd think she was the Flash or some shit.

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?" Ron basically shouts at me

I can't control my laughter, I'm giggling like a mad man

that is just great, my day has been made

"I KNEW you were staring at her in potions the other day, you sly dog Weasley"

I'm still laughing my ass off, you'd think someone would have slipped a bit of Laughing Potion into my pumpkin juice.


"funny story ron, I actually did, twice. No one answered so I used a spell, you should really look into putting a charm on our door to repeal spells like that"

"you are so irritating, you know that y/n, just down right obnoxious"

"aw thanks Weasley, I can say the same about you"

"just.. pull up a chair and lets get this over with"

and the fun begins

word count: 674

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