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A/N: TYSM FOR 240 READS!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! <333333

The wind is rushing threw my hair as Ron and i pass the black lake and are itching closer to the forest. we get to path, and begin to slow down, enough so that i can now walk next to Ron instead of being dragged behind him. 

The sun is peaking threw the trees, making little patches of sunlight. i walk with a blissful and amazed look on my face, how can a place look this beautiful??

i notice his eyes glued to my face, as his smirk turns into a longing smile

"what?" i ask 

he turns his face away and chuckles

"nothing y/n, nothing at all"

i brush it off, and we continue walking

"ron where are we going, and what just happened?"

all the thoughts of what happened in the last 20 minutes caught up with me

what the actual fuck-

"uh, i honestly couldn't tell you", he begins to scratch the back of his neck with his free hand

oh my merlin we are still holding hands

not complaining

"is that your answer to my first or second question?"



we continue in silence for another 5 minutes

"hey slytherin is having a party tonight in the common room, you down?"

"uh after we almost won to you guys today in quidditch? yeah i don't think so, but thanks for the invite"

"ron c'mon! it'll be fun, i'm inviting you"

"y/n your friends aren't the biggest fans of me, and draco has been getting very protective over you lately, so i don't think it's the best idea".

"protective? he hates me."

"if he hates you, then why does he shoot me a look when i walk by him in the hallway? if he hates you, when does he float his arm around your waist when you and him are in the hallway together and i walk by?"


oh hell no, he doesn't get to play "big brother", he's not even my brother, he's treated me like the dirt beneath his feet.

"he WHAT?!"

i stop in my tracks

our hands detach

"hes treated me like shit my whole life, he has no right to be protective over me ever"

ron stops walking and turns to me with sympathy in his eyes

i walk towards him

"ron, please come tonight. ill come pick u up at the entrance to the Gryffindor common room at 8:30?"


i place my hand on his cheek, and look him right in the eyes

"please, for me?"

he smiles

"UGH fine, only because its you"

he turns his head away, and chuckles

"its me?"

"yes, i like spending time with you y/n, and going to a party sounds like a way to spend time with you, so even though its a party hosted by people that don't really like me, ill go because you are"

i couldn't help but smile, and even blush a little

i think i like him


i give him a big hug, i wrap my hands around his neck, and i feel his arms snake their way around my waist

he's so warm

i pull back first

"okay lets go back, the party starts in an hour and i need to get ready"

"yeah, lets go"

and we begin to walk back, hand in hand


we detach hands as we reenter the school, we don't want anyone getting any ideas

i walk with ron to the entrance of the Gryffindor common room

"hey, dress casual, and bring some friends if you want"

"i will, and i don't think they'll be game, no offense they don't really like you or your friends"

he looks down at his shoes and scratches the back of neck


god the back of his neck must be painted red


i grab his arm from his neck, and hold it in my hand

"none taken, ill see you here at 8:30?"

he smiles

"yeah, see ya!"

he says the password and enter the common room as i walk away, trying to process what the fuck just went down

tonight will be one to remember.

word count: 700

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