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A/N: hi!! i am so sorry for the short chapters, i am trying to publish 2 a day if I do write shorter chapters, if I write longer ones (600+ words in my opinion) than it will be a one chapter upload. i hope you guys enjoy! feedback is always welcome

"your fucking kidding me" I whisper under my breath, but apparently loud enough for the ginger to hear.

"listen, I don't like you and you don't like me, so lets just get this semester done with okay?"

woah, aggressive much? he was just being so flirty, lucky me i guess.

"sounds great" I beckon as I sit myself down next to him, wishing I were anywhere else but here.

"Alright everyone, there is a cauldron in front of you with some ingredients. Find the potion in your books in which the ingredients correspond to, and brew that potion, first pair done gets 10 points to their house, if a partner group has 2 different houses, each house will get 10 points still. No goofing around, start."

and we were off

~time skip~

"NO ron!! it said two drops not four drops!"

"merlins beard y/n! it's not that big of a deal, I bet the potion will still turn out fine."

no it most certainly will not.

"if it doesn't you owe me five galleons"



"WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO ANGRY AROUND ME?!" I yell, maybe a bit too loud

"Miss l/n, as infuriating as Mr. Weasley probably is, there is no need to yell, get back to work or 5 points will be deducted from Slytherin."

"yes professor, my apologies" I say back to him, Snape is supposed to be on my side.

"ha, now put that mugwort in please"

"only because that is the next step" I say with a snark tone, gosh he is so maddening.

~time skip~

"And Hermione and Harry have done it, regrettably, 20 points to Gryffindor"

They both high five and the rest of us stopped working, we were so damn close.

"all your fault weasley"

"oh fuck you l/n"

and with that class is over.

this first day was definitely one for the books.

word count: 369

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