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A/N: Slytherin quidditch team: chasers: Y/n, Blaise, Adrian, beaters: Theo and Mattheo, keeper: Miles Bletchley, seeker: Draco. Gryffindor quidditch team: chasers: Ginny, Katie, Angelina, beaters: Fred and George, keeper: Ron, seeker: Harry

The whole weekend I was trying to get the kiss out of my head, but i just couldn't

i was hanging out with mattheo, draco, blaise, pansy, and especially theo this weekend, and as entertaining as they all are, i couldn't get him to leave my mind. it was driving me mad. the worst part was there was a quidditch match on monday

slytherin vs gryffindor


Rons POV

electric. that's how i would describe the kiss. god she is running circles through my head, i needed to see her. but how? she's a slytherin, no way any of her friends will let me get anywhere near her, especially draco, he's recently become protective over her, weird. i guess i'll have to wait until our next tutoring session, which won't be until monday because of practices for the quidditch game on Sunday... slyther- 


well shit.

i guess i'll see her on the pitch.

~time skip to the game~


i mounted my broom in the slytherin hut, nervously awaiting what was about to come. Ron is a keeper and i am a chaser, his one goal was to keep me away from him(and the quaffle)... he's doing a horrible job so far. i need to focus though. nothing matters to my team more than winning, especially against the Gryffindor's. 

Theo comes up next to me "you ready to kick some lion ass y/n/n?"

"you know it" i nudge him with my elbow and giggle

feeling the most nervous i have ever felt for a game.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Lee shouts, and I hear the screams of crowd as they enter the pitch

and before i could even blink Lee yells

"SLYTHERIN!!"  into the microphone, and the curtain opens, and we fly onto the pitch

I catch a glance at Ron, and i see him smirk

here we fucking go.


"NICE ONE Y/N!" I hear Theo yell as I fly back from scoring for the 5th time. I hear that the whole Slytherin section is chanting

" L/N L/N L/N L/N!!"

I feel on top of the world, but I dont let it show

no need to get cocky, we were still loosing

96 Gryffindor 

94 Slytherin

we gotta win this, i need this win

just so i can rub it in Weasleys face.

"Y/N" I hear blaise yell, as he fly's over and tosses me the quaffle, i see a straight path to the goals.

i got this.

i swerve around ginny and katie, and just as i am about to throw the quaffle, Angelina knocks right into me, making me drop the quaffle perfectly into her hands.


i fly back, as i hear a slight chuckle come from Rons mouth

that was kinda-


i start to fly back, as i hear Lee commentating the chase for the sn-


cmon Draco, for once, win this for us.

I keep my ear open for the commentary as i focus on where the quaffle is going.

after a few minutes of back and forth with the quaffle, i hear Madame Houchs whistle

"DRACO HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! SLYTHERIN WINS!" even though Lee was rooting for Gryffindor (like the rest of the school), he still sounded excited for us, good on him.

I fly down, on top of the moon.

"LETS GOO!" I hear Theo say as he runs up to me and hugs me

"Nice job today y/n/n" he puts me in a head lock and messes with my hair, which i had just taken down as i dismounted my broom.

"HAHA thanks Nott, you too" i manage to say after i escape his abnormally strong grip.

"see you at the party tonight....?" I didn't know there was a party, but i'm always down for an excuse to drink.

"yeah sure Theo, see ya"

"cool, BYE Y/N!" he yells as he runs off to the locker room.

as i am walking to the girls locker room,  i feel a strong hand land on my shoulder causing me to stop in my tracks

"good job today l/n" the hand twirls me around, so i am face to face with its owner

just the person i am so itching to see.

i look the redhead right in the eyes, he was still wearing his uniform, his hair a little sweaty from playing, and the sun hitting his face at just the right angle


"thanks wealsey, i see you have the same smirk plastered on your face as you did on the pitch" i am too good at this.

"well its reserved for you so..."


this is making it even harder to stay away from him

but do i want to stay away from him

i haven't decided yet.

im confusing my own feelings

"i can't take this anymore" ron mutter and leans in and kisses me, hungry for my affection

i kiss back, his warm lips sent a shock through my body, this is right.

our lips move in sync, we are hungry for each other

and we both know it.

suddenly i hear footsteps coming down hall

i pull away, ron was too lost in moment, believe me i was almost too.

He hears the footsteps, looks at me, flashes his signature smirk, grabs my hand, and starts running

and i have no choice but to run with him

heading straight into another adventure.

word count: 942

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