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A/N- I will switch between lower case and upper case, I sometimes forget to uppercase things, and get lazy and leave it, anyways on with the chapter

I never noticed how crystal clear his eyes are. How pretty...

wait wtf


you can't think this, you can't forgive him

you will NEVER forgive him.

not after everything.

I finally speak up after what felt like eternity, but was only a few seconds

" excuse me weasley"

"you're excused" Ron mutter back, with a cheeky smile on his face

"fuck off", I  say right into his eyes, as I shove past him and make my way to the bathroom


I  get into the bathroom, and stare into the mirror, I've always admired my freckles and y/e/c. 

I get changed and quickly rush back to my table with Pansy, praying Theo kept his mouth shut.

~time skip~

Dumbledore's speech drags on for what feels like hours. I can't even stay focused on what he is saying, I'm so hungry.

I notice a horrendous pink color out of the corner of my eye. Who is that lady? I faintly recognize her...

"...our new defense against the dark arts teacher, miss Dolores Jane Umbridge"

well that kind of clarifies my thought...

"psst Malfoy" I whisper

"what l/n"

"doesn't the pink lady work at the ministry, with your dad and my mom?"

"I don't know y/n, just listen"

damn okay Malfoy, someone didn't get his nappy in.

as the speech is coming to a close, the food FINALLY APPEARS

thank god

~time skip~

I get the feeling someone is looking at me while I am eating, I glance up and notice ronald staring right at me.


I kindly flip him off, and decide to talk to him after dinner, to tell him to stop being such a creep. We aren't on good terms, and I don't intend on being, until he apologizes. 

After I give him the finger, I notice the Weasley twins start laughing, only acceptable Weasleys besides Ginny.

word count: 340

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