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A/N: hey guys!! sorry for the lack of Ron content in the last chapter, it was more for story progression, there will be lots of Ron stuff in this chapter! also I didn't proof read, ill do it tomorrow. Enjoy loves <3


~fun time skip 3 weeks ahead~

~it is currently the end of September~

"Do better next time Miss L/N" Snape mutters as he hands back our tests

mine has a big "F" on the top of it

Narcissa is gonna kill me

"Professor!" I say as he starts to walk away

"Yes L/N?"

"I understood all the material when we learned it in class, how could I have possibly gotten an F?"

"L/N, your test was rather disappointing, I know your a good student, may I suggest a tutor? Like Mr. Weasley next to you? He got an A."

"No thank you Professor, I'll just study mor-"

"It's settled then, Mr. Weasley will tutor you for our next test, which is in 1 month, please have a tutoring time picked out and location by the end of the day, and come see me no later than after dinner to tell me"

He turns to Ron

"if L/N here gets above a C, 20 points will be awarded to Gryffindor, hopefully that motivates you to do a good job"

 And with that, he walks off to go hand out more tests

I turn to Ron

"what time works best for you after classes?

no answer

"Ron, I know you don't wanna do this, trust me nor do I, but I really do need the help and Snape sure as hell won't change his mind about this, so talk to me, and hopefully this tutoring will be once a week only"

"Why should I help you"

"Oh come on Ron"

no comeback

"Any day after 6:30 works for me, except quidditch game days"

"okay me too"

"we can tutor in my room" Ron beckons, with an annoyed face

"great I'll tell Snape at the end of class"

~time skip to after Potions~

"Professor, any day after 6:30 works for me and Ron, and Ron offered to tutor in his dorm, does that work?"

"Yes, you will be tutored 4 days a week, from 6:30-8:30, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday"

"But Professor, I have other work I ha-"

"That is FINAL, now do be on your way, tutoring starts tomorrow"

great, tomorrow is Wednesday

~time skip to tutoring~

"capricous driconous" I say to the painting, as it swings open

eyes fall on me

even though anyone is allowed in anyone's common room(if they know the password), people aren't used to Slytherins in the Gryffindor common room.

I walk with my chest held high, and with confidence in every step

"stand tall, you are the alpha, you are the protagonist"

Narcissa's words rang through my head as I got to the staircase leading to the dorms

I get to Rons dorm


just on time.

I knock, and hear footsteps approaching door

It swings open to reveal Neville

He puts a nervous look on his face

"Oh uh.."

"Hi neville, is ron here? I have a forced tutoring session with him, curtesy of Professor Snape"

"yeah actually, hes just showering, you can uh wait inside, i-if you want, i-i'll be going now"

"okay thank you neville, bye"


poor boy, he's been through so much, scared of almost every Slytherin he's met.

I walk in, the dorm is empty

everyone must be out, fantastic.

I sit on a random bed, and wait for what feels like hours

the bathroom door creaks open, to reveal Ron with no shirt on, and a towel around his waist

DAMN, he's muscular

NOPE, STOP Y/N. not again.

I can't help but stare, and ron takes full advantage of this

"i know im handsome, but my eyes are up here"


"oh fuck OFF ronald weasley, go put a shirt on and maybe tone down the cockiness, I'm not Hermione".

"your a bitch y/n, truly"

"aw thanks, i take pride in it"

Ron comes back fully clothed, and invites me to sit at his desk with him

"go steal Harrys chair"

I get his chair and plot it a comfortable distance from his

"So, where should we start?"

word count: 715

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