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As dinner ends, I get up from my seat, and start heading towards the Gryffindor table to catch Ron before he leaves. 

"Hey, where are you going??" Pansy asks with a suspicious look on her face

"Ron keeps glancing at me, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind"

"HA, okay I'll see you back at common room, the boys wanna hang out"

"okay sounds good, love you, see ya in a bit"

"love you too y/n/n" Pans says with a grin

I catch up with Ron, I grab by the back of his robes, and drag him to any empty stairwell.

I startle him a little, but he just silently goes along with it.


"what do you want?" Ron asks in a stern tone.

looks like someone lost their charm...

"quite glancing at me weasley, it's not cute and it annoys me"

"I don't glance at you l/n"

"bullshit, I just saw you doing it during the feast"

"I was looking at the person next to you, quiet flattering yourself l/n, it's embarrassing"


He starts to walk away, but I grab him by the wrist, he looks up with a wondering look on his face

"whatever you're playing at, stop. I don't like you, in fact I hate you. so stay away from me and my friends, we aren't on good terms, and I doubt we ever will be"

his expression drops

his face turns into a combination of rage and...longing? I don't know...

he angrily unlatches his wrist from my grip, and storms off

felt good to get that off my chest.

-time skip to the common room-

"Pureblood" I say to the painting in front of me, the door swings open to reveal a noisy common room, odd. 

I walk over to Pansy and the boys. I sit down next to Mattheo on the couch, while everyone else was spread around the other 2 couches and chairs.

"So how was your talk with Ron?" Pansy asks

the boys side conversations stop, all eyes turn to me.

"your what?! y/n I swear if he laid a finger on you-"

"MATTHEO! Calm down, I initiated the conversation, I saw him glancing at me, well apparently not, and I wanted to tell him to stop, it was weirding me out."

"wait, 'apparently not', uh y/n explain please" Enzo requested.

damn I thought I said that part quieter, shit.

"well Ron told me he was looking at Pansy, not me" I recall.

Mattheo lets out a quiet relieving breath, wtf?

"AT ME?! oh hell no. never." Pansy uttered with a disgusted look on her face.

"HA weaslbee really thinks he has a chance, funny" Draco snorts

Pansy blushes a bit, obsessed with him she is

"You lucked out there y/n, looks like Pans has an admire, on the first day too, how exciting" Theo mocks, Pansy shoots him a glare that makes him chuckle a little.

"Anyways, I gave him a piece of my mind, and he stormed off, so the conversation went wonderful if I do say so myself "I announce with a proud tone, go me.

"Nice going y/n" Pansy says, standing up and giving me a high five

We chat for a little longer, then all head upstairs to our dorms

I do my night routine and collapse into bed, what an eventful day

Tomorrows the first day of classes...

crossing my fingers that Ron isn't in any of my classes.

word count: 582

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