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A/N: short chapter, i get random bursts of motivation, so here :) love yall

I get back to my dorm, and lay in my bed, what the fuck just happened?

so ron still likes me

harry fucking winked at me to reassure it

and i'm gonna fail my potions test


my eyes begin to close as i am pulled into a fantasy world, where my deepest desires ascend to my mind, revealing my hatreds and yearnings...


nothing in front of me

and nothing behind

i felt the earth shrink

as my body began to wither under excruciating pain

i let out a deafening scream as my whole body fills with the pain of raining glass and knives

i notice a dark figure lurking

and a long object in its hand pointed at me

it walks towards  me

my surroundings finally start to become clearer

malfoy manner

living room

second floor

hard , cold marble floor

hanging chandler

green hue

blonde, long hair

despicable face

sharp, tormenting green eyes

 standing in the corner


"y/n... Y/N!!!!! Y/N!!!!!!!!!"

i wake up to see none other than the undeniable red head that never leaves my thoughts, his face just inches away from mine

his expression worried and panicked

i notice my pillow and face soaked with tears

my mouth dry

i can't help but burst into even more tears

the pain.

the sheer terror.

never again. 

as i sit up, tears streaming down my red stained cheek, he sits next to me, and hold me close

he brings my head to his chest, and wraps his arms around me, occasionally kissing my check

"your safe now y/n, nothing will hurt you"

"i got you, im right here, no one will ever hurt you again..."

i try to explain my ear shattering screams to him, but my words were scrambled


"shh, y/n its okay, you don't have to say anything, i'm right here"

i just cried into his chest, while his gentle strokes of my y/h/c hair calmed me down

i felt at peace once again

i felt at home

"y/n!....Y/N GET UP!"

theo is standing right over me, sucking me out of my horrid yet revealing dream

"y/n, the rest of the guys are meeting in the common room, cmon"

"okay, okay coming" i reply, hazy.

"oh and you might wanna check your face, it looks very puffy, i don't know if you slept weird or what"

huh? my face never gets puffy unless i'm cr-

oh my god

i cried in real life.

"y/n?" theo took me out of my thoughts

"oh uh yeah, you go ahead ill see you guys down there"

"uh okay, be fast we have weed"

"perfect,  see ya"

"quick y/n!" theo calls as he leaves my dorm

i get up, and walk to my bathroom

thankfully i wasn't wearing mascara, but i could tell i was crying

and very hard apparently, my face has never looked so puffy.

i splash some cold water on my face and apply some makeup to at least help me look like i didn't just have an allergic reaction to something.

i just stand in the bathroom, thinking about the dream

i've never had a "dream" so vivid in my entire life

what is going on with me?

a knock on my door brings me back to reality

i open it up to find a weasley with a worried and panicked expression

looks familiar...

word count: 578

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