Chapter 14: Benny, Sora, Ruby, and Kai vs the beast

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The next morning, Sora wakes up. He looks around, and finds Kairi sleeping next to him. He then sees Scotty coming into the living room, all dressed up. He looks at Sora.

Scotty: Sora, Benny came by. He said he had a dream. And he wants us to come to the Sandlot with him. 

Sora: Alright. Let me get everyone. 

Sora wakes up everyone, and they all get dressed up, and walk out of the house to meet up with Benny and the gang. They arrive at the sandlot. Sora, and Benny walk over in front of the fence. Benny is carrying a box. Containing inside is brand new shoes. He puts down the box, and opens it up. He takes off his old shoes, and puts on the new shoes as everyone watches. 

Older Scotty narrating: Only one kid in history had ever attempted what Benny and Sora were about to, and he got eaten. So we were worried, real worried, even when Benny brought out the secret weapon: shoes guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher, P.F. Flyers.

Kenny: We can't let them do this, man.

Benny puts his old shoes in the box. After that, he and Sora look at the fence with determined and serious looks on their faces. They are now ready to do this. They both look at each other, and nod. They both walk to the fence, about to climb over it. Scotty walks over to them to stop them.

Scotty: Guys, wait. 

They both stop, and turn around to look at him. 

Scotty: It's ok. It was my fault. You don't have to do this.

Squints: Yeah. Come on, guys. You don't have to do it. Forget about it. It's like committing suicide, guys. Don't do it.

Timmy: Yeah, don't do it, guys.

Tommy: Yeah. Don't do it. It's suicide. 

Benny: Yeah, we do, Smalls. We have to do this.

Sora: I'd do anything to help my friends, Scotty. That includes you. 

Ruby and Kai look at each other, and nod. They both walk to them. 

Kai: Then we're gonna help you guys too. No way you're doing this by yourselves.

Ruby: Yeah. 

They both look at their friends, and smile. Momo smiles at her boyfriend, and Yang gives her sister thumbs up. Kairi walks up to Sora, and kisses him on the cheek. They all climb on the old junk to climb on the fence. They stop, and look at the others. 

Babe Ruth's voice: Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid, and you'll never go wrong. 

They all give them thumbs up, and climb on the fence. They all reach the top, and then, hop down the fence, and land in the backyard. They all look around, and see a lot of old junk in the yard. They walk around, and see the destroyed equipment they've used to try and get the ball back. Then, they come to the lean-to. They hear snorting inside it. Then, the chain moves inside a little. The four stand their ground as they can hear the beast growling inside. Then, snarling is heard. They all look, and to their surprise, a normal dog comes out of the lean-to. An English Mastiff. It's big though. And it looks at the four while it has something inside its mouth. The four look at it as it sniffs. They all gulp in fear, but continue standing their ground. Then, the dog walks farther from its lean-to, walking to the four kids. Then, it stops to where the chain is chained at. Then, it spits out a baseball from its mouth, and the ball rolls away towards the four, and stops in the middle. They look at it, and sees it's the ball as they see Babe Ruth's name is on it. The dog looks at them as it pants. Benny then takes a step towards the ball, but the dog barks, stopping him. 

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