Chapter 15: Saving the beast, meeting Mr. Mertle.

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The dust clears up, and everyone is looking at what just happened in shock. Scotty, and Yang walk over to the fence. Benny, Sora, Kai, and Ruby uncover themselves, and look. Everyone walks over to what is going on. They all see the dog on the ground, pinned down by the fallen fence. It whines in pain. The heroes and gang look at this. Benny and Sora sees this, and they both put their hands on their foreheads. 

Both: Oh, man. 

Scotty: Oh, man. 

Zwei walks on the fence, and he walks at the dog, who continues whimpering in pain. He licks his head, trying to comfort him. Scotty and Ruby walk to the fence. They both kneel down, and try to lift up the fence, but they can't do it by themselves. They look at the others. 

Scotty: Come on, guys. Help us! Please!

Ruby: Yang, help! He's hurt. We gotta help him! 

The gang all back away, still scared of the dog. Yang looks at her sister, and at her friends, not knowing what to do. The rest of the heroes don't know what to do either. Scotty and Ruby continue trying to lift up the fence as Zwei is comforting the dog. Then, they both look at Benny and Sora.

Scotty: Benny! Sora, help us, please! He's hurt!

Ruby: Guys, please! He'll die!

Benny and Sora pause for a moment, and walk over to them. 

Scotty: Come on. We can't lift it. 

Benny tosses the ball to Ham, who catches it. The dog continues whimpering as both boys help Ruby and Scotty lift up the fence. They all grunt as they're lifting it up. Zwei is licking the dog, encouraging him to get up. He gets up, and runs out of the way. They all let go of the fence. They all pant. Then, both Scotty and Ruby turn around, and see the dog looking at them. The gang panic a little, thinking it's gonna attack them. Benny gets up, and looks at it. Yang is worried that it's going to bite her sister. She's about to run in to save her, but then...the dog just licks Scotty in the face. The gang and heroes are surprised at this. It's like he's saying thank you by licking him. Then, he starts licking Ruby in the face. She smiles, and giggles at this. 

Ruby: You're welcome, uh...

She looks at his dog tag, and sees his name. His name is Hercules. 

Ruby: Hercules. 

Hercules stops licking her, and walks off somewhere. Zwei joins him. Everyone watches, and they're both going to an old broken shed. Everyone looks at each other, and they all follow after them. Sora is the first to look, and what he sees is shocking. 

Sora: Guys, check this out. 

Everyone gathers around, and they're all looking at what Sora is seeing Hercules and Zwei are digging. They're all super surprise, and are smiling too. What they're digging up are...hundreds of baseballs. The ones that the gang hit over the fence. 

Sora: The baseballs. He didn't eat them. He buried them. He wanted us to come in, so he can give them to us. 

Scotty: Wow! 

Benny: Now we can play forever. 

Zwei backs away as Ruby picks him up. She pets him on his head. Then, Sora spots something. He walks over to it, and his eyes widen as he sees a really familiar object. It's another monster card. One of the King's monsters. 


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