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I don't like doing this, putting a whole A/N, but I do have some important news to share with you guys.

*Long A/N ahead*

(If you're lazy to read the whole note, just read the bold words, important notes)

I'm alive and well! I've just been busy with stuff..

It's been a while since I've updated this book since I do have another which I am currently working at. I have decided to re-write this book, some of the plot is going to go similarly. There would also be major changes of the plot too. I'm not going to tell much, but I will change lots of aspects in the book.

Why is it so sudden? Technically, I have already started re-writing a few chapters, as some of you can see, but I wanted to do some more major changes towards the book so I had to inform you guys beforehand before you all got confused that the book is different than before. Especially the plot and some aspects of it, like the romance, friendships, the ending, etc.

Why do I do it? Because when I re-read this book recently, a lot of things doesn't makes sense, unnecessary chapters and especially my horrible writing skills in this book. I can assure you all that it will be written better than the past, my writing skills improved a lot. But still kepp in mind that I am still an amateur writer, so I would still make mistakes.

Why do I bother? This is my first book, honestly, I still like the concept of this book but the writing is horrible, some of it doesn't make sense and also the plot is confusing and messed up. So, I decided re-write this book and fix it and hope it'll improve and I think this could be a great book.

So, how am I going to do it? Firstly, I'm not going to unpublish the whole book, actually most of it, but mostly would be the chapters nearing the middle to the end. I would also be re-editing the chapters that I didn't unpublish cause I still need to do some changes in it but mostly I already did a lot of editing, so it won't be anything major. I will be re-uploading the unpublished chapters when I finished writing them, its probably going to be one by one and there would also be newly added chapters!

Sporadic/Slow Updates
I'll be updating quite slow because I am also currently focusing on writing another book, and this is just on the side. So please bear with my slow and inconsistent updates.

I feel so bad that I keep changing the book however I like, the chapters, characters, plot, etc. I'm pretty sure most of the readers are confused. Which I am sorry, I'm also still figuring this all out too...

For additional information, the ending would be different. And I would mostly focus on Emma and dwelve more into her, while the miraculous characters are just on the side.

I will take this chapter down when I am finished with the re-write or finish this book.

If you have any questions, just ask away, and I'll try my best to reply.


And yes, I changed the tittle and book cover. What's your opinion on the matter?

I'm happy seeing you all,


13.10.2021 (13 Oct 2021)


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