Group Assignment

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Credit to jjuuppiter on tumgir

Third Person POV

A week after, Ms Bustier gave them a group assignment. Alya, Nino, Adrien,
Emma, Marinette and Anne are in one group. Now, they were talking about it in lunch. "We need to discuss about the group assignment." Adrien spoke up and they all nodded.

"Ok, when are we going to do it." Alya asked. "Friday?" Marinette suggested.

Adrien shook his head, "I can't, I have a photoshoot" Adrien said. "Saturday then?" Nino suggested.

Emma shook her head, "We can't, I have shooting that whole day" Alya sighed in defeat, "What day then? You both are always busy, your schedules are mostly packed" Alya pointed towards the two blondes, they both gave small smiles and shrugged.

Emma thought for a while, "How about this Thursday?" Adrien perked up, "I have nothing on that day"

They all nodded in agreement. "We all agree it's going to be on Thursday. Where are we going to work?"

"I don't know, but it can't be in my house since my father wouldn't let me." Nino nodded, "Yeah dude, your old man would never allowed it. And my house is too far from here. How about the Park?"

"It's going to be packed that day, since students would probably be there and lots of people come to the park. And it could've rain" Emma pointed out and he nodded, understanding.

Alya spoke up, "It can't be in my house since there are the twins and my sister, it would be noisy" Marinette nodded, "Well, maybe it could be in my room? I live next to the school in the bakery, but it's messy and it'll be quite noisy with the bakery on the bottom"

Emma nodded thoughtful, "Well then, the last left is my house. Hmm, it could be in my house, I guess. But I have to ask my parents first since they can be quite strict when it came to things" They turned to look at her and nodded.

"Sure" Alya said excited while Marinette looked doubtful, "Are you sure?" Marinette asked unsure and Emma shrugged, "It's still a possibility, but if they don't allow it, we'll probably do it at yours" Marinette nodded.

"I am going to ask my parents today. I'll tell you all their answer tomorrow." Emma informed and they nodded. "It seems fine for me" Adrien stated and the rest nodded in agreement. "It's settled then, it's going to be on Thursday in Emma's house if allowed, if not, it's going to be Marinette's" They all nodded in agreement. Then they continue talking while eating until the bell rang signaling the next lesson.

After School

Emma's POV

I bid them goodbye and left to go back to my house. When I arrived as usual, the gate opened, I got out of the car and the door open to my house. I saw my assistant waiting for me. I spoke up, "Hey Aline, do you know where are my parents?"

"They are in their rooms. Why are you searching for them?" She responded and I shrugged, "I need to talk to them" She nodded, "Currently they are busy but you can always try"

I thanked Aline and went to my parent's room and knocked on the door. Then my mom say, "Come in!" I opened the door to see my parents with a lot of documents around them and was scribbling down things. They are busy, I was about to go out. "Emma!" My mom spoke up happily and my dad looked up and smiled.

"Hey mom, dad, I am back from school." They smiled, "How was school?" Dad asked and I nodded, "It was great" Mom nodded happily.

"Are you busy, if you are, I can ask you later" I said unsure and mom shook her head, "Not that much, what do you want to ask us?" I nodded, "Can me and my friends do a group assignment in our house?"

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