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Emma's POV

I was on my way out from school since I had stayed late for the book club, recently I joined, we had so much fun. My mom surprisingly called me, she said that they will pick me up late or something because there were something that came up. So, I sat down on a bench in the courtyard. Waiting for her, I realized it was silent except for a few voices. I looked around the courtyard.

I saw students gathered at the courtyard using some white sports attire? Is there something happening today? A teacher was in front of the students talking, wait, that's our PE teacher, Mr D'Argencourt! Wearing the similar attire as the students, he was also holding something that looks like swords but thinner, wait. Now that I look closer, everyone else was also holding that too. Wait, that's a sabre! Sabre is used in fencing! Ahh, now I get it! That's why their attire looks familiar! They are doing fencing! Why didn't I realize this sooner. I mentally face palm myself, I should've known better. I'm not the biggest sport person, but I do know many sports. I sometimes try new sports too, for fun.

I have tried a lot of sports actually. Some sports became my favorite. I do archery for example, every Saturday. Not a lot of people do and know about it but it's one of my most favorite sport, I always enjoy the lessons I take, plus being Fenix adds too my practice in archery. That improves my aim a lot better than before. I also tried swordsmanship and rock climbing. Both were honestly fun, I sometimes still do both sport.

So Mr D'Argencourt teaches fencing, huh, I've never knew. I would really like to watch them fence here. I've never seen them up close before. I was thinking on trying fencing. Luckily, the driver is late, so I could watch them fencing for sometime.

I can't wait to watch them fence, as they duel each other. That'll be fun! They are currently listening to Mr D'Argencourt talking. I look around the courtyard, there were mats around the whole courtyard. I guess it's for them to practice fencing, probably for extra protection.

Then they dispersed into the mats in pairs, probably to duel each other. This is getting interesting! As I was watching a pair preparing to duel when someone called my name.

"Emma!" I turn towards the caller and was met with Mr D'Argencourt looking straight at me and walking approaching me.

"Yes?" I answered confused.

"Yes, you will be joining our fencing class today!" He replied and my eyes widened in surprise, as he halted in front of me.

"What? Me? Why?" I asked confused and he laughed, "Yes, you, I made an exception this time. I also know that its your first time, so you would learn some basic techniques today! And maybe you could also fence with someone too!"

I nodded slowly, "Okay, I wanted to try fencing. I hope I'll be able to learn some techniques."

"Great enthusiasm! Now go get change and put on the whole fencing attire!" He ushered me towards the locker room and I walked towards it.

When I opened my locker, there layed was the whole fencing gear. There was a neatly folded light crème fencing attire, complete with the chest protector, fencing jacket, trouser and stockings. On top of it was some fencing gloves and the mask, for protection. Besides it was, sabre and a pair of fencing shoes.

My eyes widened in surprise, why and who would put an attire outfit in my locker? Realization hits me, its my mom! That's why she made an excuse that the driver would be late since she did it on purpose, she wanted to surprise me about this! I really should thank her as soon as I arrived back.

I changed into the fencing attire and it fits perfectly. What was left was the mask, which I purposely hadn't wear yet and the sabre. I took both in each hand and went back to the courtyard.

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