A/N 2

16 0 0

(Art Credit: dani_smilek on Tumblr)(I love her art, go check it out!)


Well, I have decided on my own volition that,

2. Slightly change the storyline. (Aka, Adrienette ship going on and Emma with an OC)(Minor edits)

Which I ended up picking.

What why? You might ask, well...

I had always planned it that way.

3. Make total change to the storyline. (Ongoing with current plot, Adrienette, Emma with OC and better plot)(Not sure when I finish, though)

This was what I was initially supposed to do, there were supposed to be 2 BOOKS.

But ultimately, I decided to give this a re-write and edit because I love this.

I could only rush but finish the book.

Hope you enjoy my tweaks,


(26 June 2024)


Helloo...it's been so long indeed!


Kind of Impromptou decision from my part,

Honestly, I noticed that I wouldn't have the time to fix this story as I originally had expected for myself.

I might actually just reupload/rewrite the past storyline I initially had.

It's actually taking a long time for me to remake the story, which I am interested in, but I don't have the time, sadly TT

Rather than leaving this book on hanging.


Would you like:
1. Keep the previous storyline. (The OG storyline/chapters. Emma and Adrien together)(I will still be editing the chapters, tho!)

2. Slightly change the storyline. (Aka, Adrienette ship going on and Emma with an OC)(Minor edits)

3. Make total change to the storyline. (Ongoing with current plot, Adrienette, Emma with OC and better plot)(Not sure when I finish, though)

Please comment your thoughts and decisions (write the numbers) because it will greatly impact my choices.

This would help me tremendously on how to bring this story forward and actually continue writing this haha 😅

Thank you sincerely,


(12 March 2024)

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