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Emma's POV

Chloe walk towards our table after everything had calmed down. "ADRIKINS!" She shouted and hug Adrien. I see he felt uncomfortable but I know he doesn't want to hurt Chloe's feeling, he is trying to pull away from Chloe while not being rude.

Chloe released him and smack the table. "Why don't you sit with me than with the losers and Mari-trash, except Emma of course."

"Emma, why do you sit with the losers and Mari-trash, except Adrien of course. Why not sit with me? It's better than these losers and Mari-trash." Adrien was going to answer but I answered first.

"Thanks for the offer Chloe but, I don't mind sitting with them. Also, they aren't losers Chloe, they are very kind to everyone not only me and Adrien." I stated.

"You can't call people names because they aren't as wealthy as you, the important thing is how they treat others. They are kind to everyone while you were only kind to me and Adrien." I continued and Chloe looked angry. "Whatever! How about you Adrien?"

"I agree with Emma, Chloe. I don't mind sitting with them"

"Ridiculous Utterly Ridiculous!" She exclaimed while stomping away, followed by Sabrina, I've heard from a few people. "Thanks for standing up for us dudette."

"Yeah, thanks. I can't believe you just give Chloe her own lesson. You were brave enough to stand up against her"

"Of course, but I feel a bit bad for being rude to her because she was rude to others. We have to treat everyone nicely, even though they don't treat you the same way. She needs to treat others the same way she treats me and Adrien"

"I agree with Emma." Adrien said and they nodded in agreement.

I blurted out, "Do you want to be friends with me?" They were shocked. "Why would you want to be friends with us?" Marinette asked, surprise evident on her features.

"As I said, you were all kind to everyone, not only me. You treat me like everyone else, you didn't look at my status. I want to have real friends, who is kind to everyone not only me because of my fame and wealth." I stated and smiled.

"It would be cool to be your friend, dudette."

"Sure, it would be great being friends with you!" Alya exclaimed excited. "Sure, and thanks for the compliments." Marinette said and smiled.

"Do you want to be friends with Chloe?" Alya asked.

I thought for a while, should I? I should, despite her being nad to others. She needs someone to help her change into a good person. "Yes, I would"

"What?!?" My other three friends exclaimed shocked, except Adrien. "Yes, I admit that she is rude."

"A brat and very rude. She doesn't respect anyone that isn't famous and wealth." Alya stated angrily.

"Yes, I know. She had bully all of you except, me and Adrien."

"Yeah and called us names" Marinette stated and frowned.

"But that doesn't mean that she is completely a bad person. She had made mistakes, big ones. But I know there is some good in Chloe, despite the bad."

"She might not be that nicest person. But everyone have their own reason why they act that way." I continued. "I agree with Emma, we were childhood friends. She wasn't always like this, she was nice but changed. I know there is still good in her. She's sometimes is jealous of a few people and misunderstood" Adrien stated.

"Your right." Marinette sighed and the rest nodded in agreement.

"I want to be friends with her so, I would help her become a better person. I know she could be one if someone guide her. I could be that person and maybe Adrien would help" He nodded.

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