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Emma's POV

The driver was taking me home to my house in a limo, since my parents couldn't pick me up today. They are busy unpacking things at home. When I arrive at the gate they opened it.
This is the gates:

We drive through it and arrived in front of my house

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We drive through it and arrived in front of my house. This is my house:

A butler opened the door, "Welcome back Ms Emma

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A butler opened the door, "Welcome back Ms Emma."

I thanked the butler and got out of the limo. The door towards my house opened, there was my family's assistant waiting for me inside as I approach her. "Where is my parents?" I questioned.

She spoke up, "I was about to tell you that, your parents wanted to meet you. They are in the living room."

"Uhh, where is it?" I asked, I am still trying to remember the map of this house, I still don't remember the way to some rooms.

"Very well then, one of the maid will escort you there. Fiona, please accompany Ms. Emma to the living room where her parents are"

"Yes Ms" Fiona replied as she asked me to follow her and we had a light conversation. When I arrive at the living room, my parents were busy like normal, boxes everywhere in the room. I thanked her and she left.

I cleared my throat, "Mom, dad, I'm home." My parents looked up and notice I was standing in the doorway. Mom spoke up, "Hey darling, how was school?"

"It was great! I made some friends. One of them is Adrien Agreste, the son of Gabriel Agreste." My mom and dad was surprised. "The Gabriel Agreste?!?" They said at the same time.

"Yes, I asked him." They shook their head in disbelief and Dad asked, "You mean Adrien Agreste goes to that school as a student?"

"Yes, at first I thought it wasn't him but he confirmed it and he does look the same."

"I couldn't believe Adrien goes to that school, I thought Gabriel was protective about his son but, I am glad that his son could make some friends. That's why we actually allowed you to go to school so you could make some friends." Mom said and dad nodded.

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