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Alya eventually invited Emma to her house, alongside Marinette and Nino. Adrien couldn't come but he would facetime them so he could enjoy it from his house or as if he's there.

Alya introduced Emma to her older sister, Nora and her twin sister, Ella and Etta. Then they played some dancing game. Mostly Alya and Nino, Marinette, Alya and Adrien were mostly watching. Emma played once and got third place for her first try, in her opinion, it's not that bad. Marinette got fourth. The first place was Alya and second was Nino, they were a good pair and dancers. They played together as pairs and they aced it.

The next day

Nino's POV

I was talking to Alya when Emma approaches, great opportunity for him and he turned to Emma, "Can I talk to you privately." Emma was confused but nodded anyways. Alya cast me a confusion gaze while we both walked away to a secluded area.

When we were finally alone, "What do you need help with?" Emma questioned but she had a small smile. Does she know? I look at her nervously, while my mind is rushing a mile per hour.

"Do Alya like me?" I blurted out and blushed. She giggled and smiled, "I'm not so sure myself. She does consider you a great friend and care for you a lot. So she do have some interest on you" She answered truthfully, which he was grateful for. "But why?"

"I thought she thinks of me as a brother" I sighed while she gave me a soft smile, "Yes, I have heard her say that before. But that doesn't mean she doesn't held any romantic feelings for you. She may not know her feelings for you yet. Who knows?"

I blushed embarrassed, as she continued, "How would you know if you haven't tried yet? You should ask her out first. You could make the first move and make her realize her feelings for you! If not, you could be too late or you'll regret it later"

I nodded as I thought on her reply, she is wise for her age. She is right, if he don't do this now when would he do it then? I need to gain enough courage and do it!

"Don't tell Alya I told you this, she'll kill me" She chuckled and I joined in, knowing that she is going to do that if she ever found out. "I won't, but thanks for the information and advice" She smiled nodding.

"I have a question for you" She suddenly asked and I nodded, "Do you like Alya?" She teased and I blushed while she giggled, "Its fine, I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to confirm your feelings towards her" As I nodded in understanding.

"When?" She questioned and I sighed, "When we were dancing and chatted after you all have left to go back home until late"

"You both would be a cute couple" She admitted and giggled looking at my flushed face. Emma walked back to Alya while I followed behind her.

As we approached, we saw that Adrien was there talking with Alya, "Dude!" Adrien turned and smiled at me and Emma. "Hey Nino, Emma" He replied, Emma smiled at him.

"What did you both talked about?" Alya questioned curious and looked at me for answers, I gulped nervous, "Well, I, uhm-" But was cut off by Emma, "He asked me if I saw his textbook that he lost, and the whole time it was in his bag" Emma chuckled while I joined in nervously. Alya didn't suspect anything and continue chatting, I mouthed 'thank you' to Emma and she nodded smiling.

At Lunch

Me and Marinette were the last one to leave the classroom, this is my opportunity, while Marinette was about to leave, "Wait" Marinette turned and waited for my next response.

"I wanted to asked something" She nodded, "Sure, what is it?" I gulped nervously, "Do Alya like me?" I whispered but somehow she heard and her eyes widened. "Of course! Even if she doesn't show it or maybe she doesn't know" She mumbled the last part but he heard it anyways, so what Emma said is true.

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