The Cat's out of the Bag

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Marinette's POV

Emma is an interesting girl. She seems nice. Now that I got a closer look, she looks similar to Adrien. "Marinette to earth!" Alya said to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh! What?"

"What are you thinking about? Adrien again?" Alya asked knowingly and I shrugged. "Not really" She gasped, "That's new, what is it about?"

"About the new girl, Emma, she seems nice" I stated and she nodded, "I agree, I want to ask her for an interview later!"

"Do she want to do-" I was cut off by Alya. "I know she would!" Alya exclaimed excited and I shook my head, disagreeing. The bell rang signaling for their next lesson.

At Lunch

Third Person POV

Adrien is showing Emma around the school a little. When it was lunchtime they went to the cafeteria. And when Emma comes in, the students crowded Emma and Adrien immediately. Adrien was searching for Emma and Emma was searching for Adrien in the crowd but they both couldn't find each other. Eventually, they both escape the crowd.

Emma's POV

Someone called her name and she turned towards its direction and saw Adrien approaching. "Adrien?" I questioned and he nodded.

I spoke up, "That was er, a nice welcome" And he chuckled. "I guess" He smiled at me.

"So, is that how you they treat you if you're new here?" He shrugged, unsure. "Not necessarily, only if you're someone well known I guess. And you are one."

"So, yes. For a couple of weeks, I guess." He continued and I nodded. "Oh great" I said sarcastically and he chuckled.

"Is this the cafeteria?" He nodded. "Its huge, lots of space" I looked around, it is huge with lots of tables and chairs filled with students. "Do you want to sit with me and my friends?" Adrien offered and I nodded eagerly, I couldn't wait to meet them. He said lots of nice things about them.

After me and Adrien got our food, we went to a table with three other students seated talking. I recognize them, they were in class.

"Hey guys. This is Emma, the new student that just came today, do you mind if she sit with us?" He questioned and the three nodded.

"Sure, we don't mind." A girl with glasses and curly auburn hair answered smiling. I nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, I hope I didn't bother any of you." I said softly as me and Adrien sit next to each other.

She shook her head and spoke up, "No you won't. And hello! I'm Alya Cesaire"

"Hey dudette, I'm Nino" A boy with a red cap and headphones said. "I'm Marinette Dupain Cheng" A girl with raven blue hair in pigtails said.

"Hello! As you all know, I am Emma and Its nice to meet you all." I smiled and Alya responded, "Nice to meet you too." I smiled, "You're what Adrien has been talking about, his friends"

They all turn to look at him surprised. Adrien rubbed his neck, sheepishly and I chuckled, "It's fine, all great things about you all. I can't wait to get to know you better and be friends" I clasped my hands and beamed at the group. They all smiled happily.

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