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The Next Day

Emma's POV

After yesterday's akuma attack, people were shook up so, I couldn't tell them yet. I think I am going to tell them today, I am going to do it right now. I hope I can, I can't keep the news to myself anymore they need to know too. I saw them, as I neared. I keep chanting in my head,

'I can do this, I can do this, I can do this',

Adrien turn to my direction and smiled at me, my resolve shattering by the minute,

'I can't do this, I can't do this'

I awkwardly smiled back at him. I'm crying inside, I hope I don't back away later at lunch.

Adrien's POV

This is the Second day that Emma is still down, I think this is serious. I know yesterday she was going to tell us, but that akuma had to interfere. Now, I hope she will tell us, I can't bear to see her like this.

Marinette's POV

I think me and Adrien is worried about Emma, she is still sad but we can't force it out of her. But I feel this is pretty bad, because it's been a couple of days. I hope it's nothing serious, I feel bad for her though, I hope she would tell us today. I know she will eventually, I just know it.

At lunch

Emma's POV

I sat down at our normal seats and they were chatting while I was thinking on how to brought it up. I was lost in my mind, "ma'-Emma" I snapped out of my trance and looked at the group.

"Yes?" I answered and they turned to look at me worried.

"Before you say anything. I need to tell you all some news" I started. 

"What's it about?"

"Yeah, spill it" Alya said. I look at the awaiting eyes and took a deep breathe, "Well, I-I am g-going to go b-back to Los Angeles next M-Monday." I managed to stutter out. I felt sad and good to at least tell them about this. Everyone was surprised by the sudden news and then it morphed into sadness.

I felt bad immediately and say, "I know, I am very-"

Marinette cut, hug me and say, "You are leaving, but why?"

Adrien asked, "Yeah why?"

At the looks of my friends, I felt very sad and guilty at the same time.

I could only tell them the reasons, "My parents say we are going to continue our jobs that is in LA."

I look at the floor, I felt very sad that I am going to leave my friends and cry a little, "I'm going to miss you guys!"

Alya hugged me and spoke up, "We know you will. It's fine, we just have to spend the rest of your time in Paris by hanging out with us and make the best moments."

I smiled at her reassurance, I truly can't help but felt comforted by it and thanked Alya for it.

Adrien couldn't help but spoke up, "Yeah. We are going to miss you a lot."

"Yeah, dudette."

"Since it's the last days, I planned to have a sleepover at my house on Friday, my parents allowed it." I had to inform one of the good news I had manage to get.

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