New Student

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The next day

Emma's POV

My alarm rang and I woke up sleepily since, I had slept at 12 pm because of yesterday's akuma. I got ready for teh day. When I was done, I grab my bag and went to the dinning room and met my parents.

I spoke up, "Good morning Mom, Dad."

"Good morning sweetie"

"Morning Emma"

We ate breakfast together while chatting. After I finish, I went to the kitchen and took some chili. I bid goodbye to my parents and go to the limo and went to school. When I got out, as usual, the reporters, students and fans crowded me instantly. I got out, but it was quite a struggle. I went to my friends, who was chatting on the stairway.

I spoke up, "Hey guys"

"Hey Emma" Adrien said as he turned.

"Hey dudette"

"Where is Marinette?" I questioned because she is the only one that wasn't here. "Hey, Marinette is probably late like normal" Alya shrugged.

"Ohh, is she late often?"

"Yeah, its normal for her, she normally overslept"

"Okay, should we wait for her here?" I asked while looking at the time in my phone, a few more minutes till the bell rings.

Alya shook her head, "No need, she'll be late and the bell will ring in a few minutes"

"Okay then" I said unsure. Alya and Nino walked away while Nino gave me a understanding look.

"It's fine, Marinette would understand" Adrien spoke up from beside me.


"Yeah, we'll just wait for her in class. She wouldn't want us to be late too, just because she's late" I nodded my head, he makes a good point.

We both went to class while chatting on the way. When we arrived, the bell rang and we immediately sat down.

Ms Bustier comes in class and spoke up, "Good Morning class!"

"Good Morning" We all said in unison and she smiled.

As she was about to speak, Marinette barged in and apologized. Ms Bustier nodded and she rush into her seat to hear for the announcement.

"Today we will have a new student, come in."

A student went in, she was a brunette and introduced herself, "Hello. My name is Anne Eclairer, I like to read and sew"

"Hello Anne. So, now that you know her, who wants to be Anne's guide around school?"

Alya volunteered while Ms Bustier clapped happily and said Alya would be her guide. "Great, I will be rearrange the seat temporarily since Anne doesn't have a seat yet"

She then looked around, "Anne could sit between Alya and Marinette"

"Yes, and thank you Ms"

Ms Bustier nodded, "Now let's start the lesson"

Anne's POV

I went to my new assigned seat. "Welcome Anne. Let me introduce myself, my name is Alya Cesaire, you can call me Alya"

I smiled. "Nice to meet you Alya"

"Hello Anne, I'm Marinette" The girl who sat beside Alya and I smiled.

"Hello Marinette, nice to meet you too" She gave me a smile.

"Are you from France, or from another country?"

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