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After school

Third Person PoV

Adrien and Emma was going to model together in a studio that had already been appointed. When they arrived, they were crowded and both managed to got out of the crowd. Then they were immediately prepared by the staff.

Emma's POV

I couldn't believe that I am going to model with a friend! Well, I've actually modeled with some of my friends, male and female, I did have fun though. So I couldn't wait to do this with Adrien!

Adrien's POV

I am excited and nervous in the same time. I am happy that Emma is going to model with me. I hope it wouldn't be boring since I can talk to Emma and maybe joke around too. I hope I don't embarrass myself in front of Emma. Since she is a world wide famous model and actress. I know she's very professional.

Third Person PoV

Adrien and Emma finally was finish preparing and got out the dressing room with the full outfit.

Adrien's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw, Emma looked very beautiful in that outfit. I felt some heat in my face, did I just blush? What am I thinking? Emma's a good friend.

Emma's POV

Is that Adrien? He is looking handsome in that outfit, was he always this handsome? I couldn't believe I didn't realise this until now, I feel my face heating up a bit, did I just blush? No, it's probably because I'm embarrassed.

Adrien's POV

I spoke up, "You look beautiful in the outfit Emma." She gave me a dazzling smile. "Thanks, you look handsome in the outfit." I lightly blushed and I think she noticed it.

The photographer clapped his hand to get theur attention, "Everyone in position" I go to the prepared prop with Emma beside me and we pose for the photo.

But, the photographer frowned, he isn't satisfied yet, "The theme is couples! This isn't enough" Me and Emma's eyes widened? This isn't enough? And couples! We look at each other. I guess we both didn't knew about it.

He grab me and Emma's hand and locked our hands together. And also push us nearer to each other, now we are shoulder to shoulder. I think we blushed a little, in embarrassment.

Then the photographer smiled in satisfaction,"Perfect! Now imagine that you both are couples!"

We both looked looked each other and we both blushed again thinking about that thought, then he snapped some pictures. He asked us to change pose and we did, we were sitting in a bench. Side by side, and the photographer push us and we both bumped at each other. He then make us hold our hands again and put Emma's head in my shoulders. We look at each other and blushed lightly, Emma looked guilty while I gave her a reassuring smile.

Then the photographer snap the picture. He asked us to change to our next outfit, "You did great."

She smiled, "Thanks, you were great too. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable"

I shook my head, "No, I'm supposed to say that. But it's fine, we had to do it. But, I think we looked purrfect" She laughed at my cat pun. Her laugh is cute, I blushed a little.

"I think this is the first time I enjoy modeling" I stated. "Really? I've always liked to model with my friends! It's always enjoyable." She giggled and I smiled.

We then change clothes into elegant outfits. I was wearing a black tuxedo with a green tie and she was wearing a beautiful blue and green with hints of yellow dress. She looks very beautiful in that dress and I felt my face heating up.

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