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Dylan's POV:

I breathed in the chilly air of Boston, holding a cardboard box that had the word 'plates' scribbled across the side. "You did it, kid. All by yourself." Caleb said, putting his arm around my shoulder. "I knew you would." We looked up at my new apartment in aw.

"Couldn't have done it without the two of you." I looked behind us at his sister who was pulling boxes from the U-haul and putting them on the side-walk. "You guys are my family." I leaned into him as he hugged me. "Now take this up there cause it's getting heavy."

Caleb laughed as he quickly took the box without hesitation, jogging up the steps and disappearing into the building. "You're going to love it here, D." Chasity picked up two boxes stacked on top of each other and followed her older brothers lead. I pulled my leather jacket closer to my body, making a mental note that I need to buy a warmer jacket if I'm going to live here. I wasn't used to such cold fall weather, so I grabbed a box and headed inside, wanting to get in the warmth.

I was so excited for this new chapter of my life. Leaving Florida and getting away from my hometown was going to be the best thing that ever happened to me, I just knew it. I had wanted to move here the moment Chasity and Caleb moved here, but I had to save up money first and find a job. Once those two things fell into place, I was on the move a year later.

"Your apartment is gorgeous." Chasity gawked, looking around at my place. It was if I was being honest. It was a two bedroom, two bathroom with a beautiful kitchen, a window that over looked a park, but my favorite part was the balcony. "Let's hurry up and finish the boxes so we can grab some lunch. I'm starving."

I shook my head and Caleb said exactly what I was thinking, "When are you not?"

The day passed by quickly and we got myself moved in box-wise. I hadn't met anyone in the building yet, but I knew I eventually would. Caleb and Chasity left because they both had work the next morning, while my new job at the hospital didn't start for another week.

What would I do with myself?

I sat down on my couch, looking around at the boxes that were spaced out around my new apartment. For the first time in a long time I felt content. I pressed the glass up to my lips, sipping the wine that was gone with one last sip. I stood to my feet and went over to a box, opening it up and finding a Bluetooth speaker. I always hated the neighbors that would blast music super loud, but I wasn't one of those.

Softly, I played Harry Style's Woman and started unpacking boxes. Before I knew it I had unpacked my whole kitchen and had everything put away neatly. I looked around and was pleased with the work I had accomplished and decided on calling it a night, thankful that my friends help me put my bedroom together before they left.

Waking up was so peaceful. There was no loud birds, no bright sun beaming in my face, just me waking up all on my own. I looked around and smiled, taking in my new life. I was happy. I could get used to this. Nothing could go wrong.


Then the sound of a blaring alarm went off all through my apartment. "You're fucking kidding me." I huffed, throwing the covers off me. I grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it over my head, stuffing my feet in my Nike sneakers that were left by my bed last night.

Feet were heard shuffling outside my door, then loud hangs on my apartment door. "Get out! Fire alarm is going off!" A man's voice yelled.

No shit?

I grabbed my keys and my phone, locked my place behind me just for precaution, then followed the crowd down the staircase and out the building.

Everyone was standing on the sidewalk as we heard the fire truck sirens get closer to us. I sighed as I dialed Chasity's number. "You won't believe it." I chuckled.

"What happened? You haven't even lived there twenty-four hours yet?"

"The damn fire alarm is going off and everyone is crowding on the sidewalk as if we're in some sorority in college waiting for them to clear the building." If you can't tell, I've been through this before...

I looked around at the people who were here. Most of them were young and looked around my age, but there were a couple stragglers who were older. My eyes landed on a sweet looking elderly lady who looked confused. "Hey I'll call you back." I hung up and walked over to her.

"Hello I'm Dylan, I just moved in yesterday." I held my hand out and she grabbed it softly, shaking it.

"Ethel May, I'm looking for my friend..." she sighed, looking around.

"It's nice to meet you, what's her name maybe I can help you find here?" I smiled softly, waiting for a response.

"Her name is Jennifer. She'll be in white scrubs." Ethel kept turning her head to look around and I did the same.

"Mom, there you are." We heard behind us. The two of us turned back around and the look of relief washed over Ethel's face.

I looked to the lady and my stomach dropped.

Miss Taylor from freshman year of high school was standing in front of me.

Did she remember me?

"Elenor, I was so worried. What's going? I'm scared." Ethel said, fear quickly taking over her face of relief.

"Mom you're fine. I talked to the firemen. Someone was cooking and burned their food. Everything is okay." She pulled her mom into her, then looked to me. "Are you new here?"

Nope, hadn't recognized me yet.

"Uh... y-yeah. I just moved in yesterday." I managed to blurt out. I was in complete shock.

How in the hell did she manage to move from Miami all the way to Boston. Not only that, the same apartment building as me, twelve years later?

"I'm Liv Taylor and I'm sure you met my mom." She looked down at her mom due to the height difference and chuckled at her.

"Dakota here was just trying to help me find you, sweetie." Ethel smiled.

Not my name, but I'm cool with her daughter not knowing who I am for right now.

Those same piercings blue eyes that I remembered looked over to me. They used to send me daggers every day when I was younger. I was surprised when I heard the softest voice slip out between her lips, "Thank you, Dakota. We owe you one."

"No, it's fine, really." Before I could even make an excuse to leave this conversation there was a man standing on a brick wall in uniform.

"The building is clear everyone! False alarm!" He yelled. "Return back to your apartments please."

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