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Liv's POV:

I helped her to the couch with her arm draped over my shoulder and me holding on to her waist. "Alright, just lay down." As soon as I said that she flopped onto the couch, making me smile.

She was not this drunk when I left her. They must have went bar hopping and that's when she lost her keys.

Her eyes were slowly fluttering as she laid there. My eyes fell down her face and I noticed she had a busted lip.

What the hell happened after I left?

I looked briefly over her body to see if there were any other marks. That's when I found her knuckles had been bleeding and were swollen. I shook my head.

"Dylan." I said. No answer. "Dylan, wake up." I put my hand on her arm and shook her carefully. Her eyes blinked open and found mine. "What happened to your lip and wrist?"

She had a smug look on her face. "I hit her." She slurred, closing her eyes again. "She shoved me to the ground and punched me. So I hit her harder than she could've hit me."

"Let me clean them up. You have blood all over your hand and on your mouth." I stood up and went to the bathroom, grabbing a first-aid kit. When I came back she was sitting up.

"I didn't want to." She looked down at her hand, "I told her to leave me alone and she didn't. But she was a bitch, she deserved it." I sat on the coffee table and grabbed her hand, cleaning it up. "I have a secret." Dylan sighed, watching me hold her hand carefully as I wiped the blood away.

I ignored her. "There." I put a band aid over the gash and let go of her. "Let me see your lip."

"I want to tell you, so bad." She looked up into my eyes.

"No, Dylan. Let me clean your lip." I grabbed a new piece of gauze and carefully wiped the corners of her mouth, skipping the cut.

"Olivia." She sternly said. I froze and dropped my hands, staring at her. She opened her mouth to speak but I stopped her.

"I know, Dylan. I know." I sighed.

"No, you don't." She argued.

I stood to my feet, "Yes I do! I know it's you, Dylan..." I dropped the gauze on the table and looked away. "I knew that I knew you from somewhere and one night I looked you up on Facebook."

We were both silent until she faintly whispered, "A-Are you mad?" I looked back to her and she had her head hung.

"What? No, Dylan. No. It's been years." I grabbed a blanket off a chair. "Just, get some sleep and tomorrow I'll help you get a new key for your apartment." She took the blanket from me and threw it over her legs, laying down. "Goodnight"

"Yeah, goodnight."

Dylan's POV:

I woke up in a strange place, not noticing any of my surroundings. I stirred in the position I was in and continued looking around.

"Well good morning, sweetheart." I heard in a kind tone. I looked to my left and saw Ethel sitting in a chair drinking coffee. Quickly I sat up, looking around and noticing where I was. "Elenor said you stayed over last night. You could have slept with her honey. Why'd you sleep on the couch?"

"Okay Mom, here's your breakfast." I looked over and seeing her walk into the living room, wearing black yoga pants and a grey t-shirt. She looked over at me and smiled slightly. "I didn't know you were up."

"She just woke up, honey. Make her a cup of coffee." Ethel insisted but I denied.

"No, it's fine." I was confused on how I got here and why I was here. "I'm just gonna head over to my place."

"Could I see you in the kitchen, please." Liv asked then she disappeared around the corner, I suppose waiting on me.

"Better go, love. She's not one to keep waiting." Ethel winked at me.

Neatly, I folded the blanket that I was just wrapped up in and laid it on the back of the couch, following the direction Liv went in.

When I rounded the corner I saw her pouring a cup of coffee, her back facing me. I took this time to examine her physique.

Her hair was pulled into a messy bun with little fly aways hanging by her neck. My eyes immediately went to a tattoo I noticed just at the end of her neck. She neatly had the words 'know your rights' written across.

When she turned around I tried to look away fast enough, but she definitely caught me. She smiled faintly and handed me the cup. Bringing it up to my mouth I let out a hum. This was exactly how I liked it.

But how did she know?

"We needed to talk about last night." She said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Great, I probably did something embarrassing. "I'm sorry if I did something embarrassing or crossed a line. I don't even remember getting home last night."

"You don't remember last night?" She asked, looking at me intently as she leaned her backside against the counter. I shook my head. She continued to stare as I picked up the mug and took small sips.

"What did I do?" I wanted to know if I told her anything or if I made a fool of myself.

Quickly she said, "Um, nothing. Basically I just cleaned up your knuckles and lip then you passed out."

"I swear I'm not like this usually. That girl just crossed a line by hitting me and she was rude to you too. I don't get drunk like this, not since high school." I put my cup down and looked at her, but she was already starring at me. "You have flour in your hair." I chuckled.

Liv blushed and attempted to get it out. "I made pancakes for my mom." She quietly said, as if she was apologetic for the way she was looking.

I could tell she was struggling since she wasn't looking in a mirror. "Here, let me help you." I stepped close to her, so close I could feel her breath hitting against me. I grabbed a wet paper towel and slowly wiped the flour out of it. I looked into her
eyes - her blues were already pouring into my greens. "There you go..." I whispered, my breath was caught up in my throat from her staring so intently into me.

Silences fell between us shortly, until I broke it, "You have beautiful eyes..."

She looked down and smiled, then back up to me. "Thank you..." before I even knew it I was leaning in, as if it was a habit. Hesitantly she moved in as well.

"Elenor!" We jumped apart, our breathing quick. She basically ran out of the kitchen, leaving me there.


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