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Dylan's POV:

I woke up on a mission today.

My outfit looked amazing and I hoped I wasn't going to get turned down at her door. Little does Olivia know I had this all planned out. I even spoke with her home nurse on her way out last night to see if she would help me with taking care of her mom.

I knocked on the door, anxiety rushing through my body. I waited a bit and it finally opened. Olivia was in her pajamas with her hair messy. "Good evening." I chuckled, "Did you just wake up?"

She shook her head, leaning it against the door. "I was laying on the couch watching tv. I just haven't gotten dressed today."

I smiled brightly, "Well now is the time to get dressed." She looked at me confused. "I'm taking you out and I don't want you to decline because I have thought everything through and worked everything out."

"Dylan that sounds lovely but I can't, my mom-"

I immediately cut her off. "No, don't say that. I got your home nurse Nancy to come and take care of her. I'm gonna pay for it too."She shook her head no. "Yes, go get dressed. You can't say no because I already wrote her a check. "

"Dylan." she tried to protest.

"Elenor Olivia! The lady wants to take you out! Accept it, go out, and enjoy yourself!" I heard from behind the door. She smiled at me shaking her head.

I bit my lip, grinning, "I'll give you some time to get ready. Wear something warm." She shut the door leaving me to myself.

Before I knew it, Olivia and I were walking out the building together and man was I praying we weren't gonna run into Kate on the way out. I didn't need her messing this up. "So, are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Olivia asked, stopping in her tracks. She looked at me and pulled my beanie further down my head. I shook my head smiling and watched as she looked me up and down. "You look really cute, but you're showing your age with your style." I looked down at my black pants that were rolled up to my ankles and my white shirt covered by an oversized black puffer jacket.

"Um, what does that mean?" I chuckled, "You're the one with the trench coat, old lady." I smirked, grabbing the brown collar and popping it up.

She gasped, grabbing the coat. "I love my trench coat!"

"Yeah? Well, maybe I could see it in another light." I joked, hinting I wanted to see it with nothing on under it.

"Dylan Parker!" Olivia grimly said, shoving my shoulder. "Watch yourself." I had definitely heard that voice before. It was her stern teacher voice and holy fuck was it a turn on.

"Mmm." I smirked, closing my eyes, "I like when you say my name like that." Earning a light smack on the arm. I smiled, knowing she loved it and was just acting like she didn't. "Come on. We better hurry or we won't make it. I called us an Uber." I took her hand and walked down the street a bit until we climbed into the car. She had no clue where we were going, but I knew she was going to love every moment.

Soon enough we pulled up to the harbor. "Thank you so much." I told the driver.

"You guys have a safe night." He smiled to us in the rear view. We climbed out and I intertwined my fingers with hers. I saw her look down and smile softly, but I didn't say a word about it - I was too nervous.

"I don't wanna be late." I pulled her towards the gates and reached for my phone in my pocket.

"What are we doing here?" She kept asking questions, but I wanted to surprise her.

"You'll see." I smiled. We finally got to the gate and I knew she saw the sign that said 'Harbor Cruise Rides'. I smiled at the older man scanning tickets. "Hey I have two tickets for the harbor sunset cruise." I held my phone out and he scanned them.

"They're loading up right now. To the left and down the dock. You can't miss it." He smiled, "Enjoy."

"A sunset cruise?" Olivia asked as we walked towards the boat. I nodded my head and she grinned like a little kid. We got on to the boat and found a seat near the edge and the next thing we knew we were off.

"This is really nice of you, Dylan." Olivia said, looking out on to the water.

"I wanted to do something fun with you." I knew the sun was almost going to set so I offered to go get us some drinks. Olivia of course wanted wine, so I returned with two glasses. "For you my lady." She mumbled a thank you, taking it from me. "Come with me."

Olivia's POV:

I followed Dylan up the stairs and over to a private area where nobody was. It was gorgeous up here. I looked out to the city where you could see the skyline.
The sunset looked beautiful and I was still in awe that she did this for me. "It looks beautiful Dylan."

"Not as beautiful as you." She looked at me then let out a chuckle, "Okay that was cheesy. I'm sorry."

I smiled, shaking my head, "No, no, it's okay. Thank you. I guess."

"You're beautiful is what I'm trying to tell you Olivia." She said, leaning against the railing. I blushed, taking a sip of my wine hoping the wine glass would hide my rosy cheeks.

I wanted to feel happy, but I thought back to Kate. I knew Dylan thought of her in different way and I wasn't going to be played like it was some game.

"What's wrong?" Dylan asked, trying to look me in the eyes. I lifted my head and looked into her eyes.

"What are we doing here, for real?" I asked, "It's so obvious Kate likes you and-" I was cut off by her lips on mine. She placed her hand inside my coat on my waist and held me close, moving her lips softly against mine.

"Stop talking Olivia." She whispered, brushing our noses together. "I don't care about her. I want you and I always have. I'm not going to mess this up."

I grabbed her cheek and caressed it, "Please don't, D." She smiled at the nickname I had just given her. "I want us to be mature about this and I never put myself out there but there's something about you that's telling me to just do it..."

"I don't want to hurt you." She leaned in again and I couldn't stop myself from kissing her. Those lips were magnetic.

"So don't." I whispered.

HEY GUYS!! I've seen a few comments about not understanding why Dylan is entertaining Kate, let me break it down! I'm wanting Kate to cause drama and cause issues for Dylan and Olivia. Don't worry, she's gonna make it up in the end.

Also, currently working on another book!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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