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Dylan's POV:

My off days went by so quickly. I was quite sad, but I was glad I spent them being by myself and having some me time. I needed that.

"Dr. Parker!" I heard behind me. I turned around and Dr. Williams was smiling at me. "Are you coming to the annual charity gala tonight?"

I had totally forgot about it. "Um, yes, I am. Will you be there?" I  held my tablet against my chest as I waited for a reply.

"Yes and I can't for you to see Jack! You're going to love him!" She squealed like a little kid at the mention of her fiancé, making me laugh.

"I can't wait!" I smiled excitingly.

We started walking together away from the ER, "You know, that nurse Jessica has been asking around nonstop apparently, trying to figure out if you're attending tonight."

That made me shudder. Jessica was a NICU nurse who is apparently obsessed with me and I want no part of her. There's nothing wrong with her - she's quite pretty honestly, just not my type. Plus, I have my eyes on someone else.

"That makes me not want to come." I chuckled, letting out a sigh.

"You're coming girl." Dr. Williams said, squeezing my shoulder before she walked away.

I definitely wasn't gonna go alone tonight, which meant I had to drag someone with me. Typically I would drag my best friend (she never comes to these things for the hospital), but I would have way more fun if I brought Olivia instead. I called her up, hoping she'd answer.

"Yes Dylan?" Her sweet voice answered through the phone.

"I hope you're not busy." I smiled, sitting down on a bench that was pressed up against a wall in the foyer of the hospital.

"Just grading papers on my lunch. What are you doing?"

"Well...." I trailed off. "I have to go to an charity gala work tonight and well obviously I don't want to go alone. If you love me... you'll come with me..." I smiled with a huge grin and I know she could basically hear it in my voice.

"Dylan, I don't even have anything to wear..." Olivia sighed.

"I don't either. Come on, we can go shopping together. Please? I have to go tonight and I really don't want to go alone. I promise you that it'll be worth your time." I was basically begging on my knees.

"Okay." Olivia's smile was heard over the phone. I pumped the air with my fist due to my happiness. "I get off at four so I'll be home around four-forty."

"See you then."

Liv's POV:

"What about this one?" I asked Dylan, holding out a red silk dress with only one sleeve. She shook her head. I let out a groan. "I've shown you like twenty."

I watched her as she stared off, ignoring me, then walked away. "This. This one." She grabbed a long sleeved, floor length, black laced dress that had a tan cover underneath. On the lace were little silver designs that looked like stems.

"I love that. You'll look great in that." I smiled. She shook her head and smirked.

"No. It's for you." Her lips curved wider, showing her teeth. "Go try it on."

"Uh uh. I have to find yours first." I said, looking around. I finally spotted a slim fitting black dress with a cut out of one arm that I knew she would agree on. It was very her. I found one that I assumed was her size and we went into separate dressing rooms with each of our dresses.

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