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Dylan's POV:

"Remember Miss Taylor?" I randomly said. Getting not only Caleb's attention but Chasity's as well.

"How could I not. I thought you had the biggest crush on her when we were in high school. You two were really close and then you had the falling out all because your shitty comment." Chasity said.

"She was smoking hot. She's the reason I passed Algebra one and two." Caleb smirked.  He wasn't wrong. She was beautiful. Her bone structure was to die for, always had been. I could see that it just got better with age, which is rare.

"Oh my gosh. Wait, she's the one you did the prank on and then got expelled from Bayview!" Chasity yelled. I sighed. Not my proudest moment.

"Yeah... tp'ing her car at school was definitely a mistake. She just pissed me off so much." I shook my head, "She really got under my skin after our falling out."

"What made you think of her?" Caleb asked, going to my fridge and grabbing a beer. He joined me back on the couch and waited for my answer. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by a knock. "Expecting someone?"

"Only people I know are right here in this apartment." I chuckled. I walked over to the door and opened it, meeting her smiling face. She was dressed a lot more casual than the last time I saw her. Her hair was pulled back in a messy bun and she had glasses on.

How'd she find me?

"Hey Dylan. Um, my mom told me about you being the one to come to her when she felt lost and scared and I just wanted to say thank you, but also welcome to the building." She handed me a plate that contained brownies as well as cookies.

I looked down at them and man did they look good. "Thank you." I chuckled, "Also I'm doctor, so it's just in me to want to help people."

"Who is it?" I heard Caleb yell. I heard foot steps come behind me, so I stepped out and closed the door.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company." She pushed her glasses higher up on the bridge of her nose.

"No you're not a bother." I smiled, "Just my annoying and nosey friends."

"Holy shit!" I heard Caleb yell behind the door.

Shit. He looked through the peep hole.

A chuckle escape through her lips, "I'll leave you to it." She turned on her heels.

I opened my mouth to call her name. What do I call her? My instinct is to call her Miss Taylor, but I can't. "Liv." She turned back around. "How'd you find my apartment?"

"The building manager has a crush on me. I just asked him." She shrugged, turning around. "See you later, neighbor." Then she opened the door across from mine and vanished behind it.

Liv's POV:

"Here, Mom." I handed her a plate of grilled chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes. "Make sure you eat it all so your medicine doesn't make you feel sick."

"Thank you, sweetie." I watched as her hands shook to pick up her fork.

Seeing her like this broke my heart. I wanted nothing more than to fix her... but she couldn't be fixed.

I looked at the tv as my mind wandered.


She looked so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Her blonde hair never came to mind when I thought about anyone I knew, but those eyes. Those emerald green eyes looked so familiar. I knew those eyes. Just from where?

"Honey, that Dakota girl." Mom started to say, "I She's a cutie, yes?"

I laughed, "She's cute, Mom. She's young though. She's got to be at most thirty." I came closer to her and wiped the corner of her lips with a napkin.

"She reminds me of someone..." Mom said, picking up her fork again. "Someone you knew well once."

"Yeah?" I asked. She always talked like this. It wasn't her. It was the Alzheimer's talking. "Finish your dinner so we can get you in bed." I looked back to the tv as my mom finished eating.

Who did she remind me of?

"Honey, I'm finished."  My moms sweet voice snapped me out of my daze. I picked her plate up and brought it to the sink. "Where's Jennifer?"

"Mom, Jennifer's not here." I walked over to her and helped her stand up. "Let's get you in bed."

"W-Where's Jennifer?" She asked again. My heart broke every time she asked a question over again. "She always helps me into bed."

"Mom." I sighed, sitting down across from her and helping her sit back down, "Jennifer was your old home health nurse who took care of you when I lived in Florida, but I'm here now. I've been here for three years taking care of you."

"Right..." she looked at me, somehow finding it in her to smile. "You know I love you, Elenor Olivia Taylor." She loved my full name and she always called me by it.

"And I love you, Mom." I smiled, grabbing her hand.
"Are you ready for bed?" She nodded her head. "Come on then." I smiled and helped her back up.

After getting my mom in bed and I cleaned up the aftermath of dinner then poured me a glass of wine.

My mind wandered back to Dylan.

Before I realized it I found myself searching her up on Facebook.

'Dylan in Boston, Massachusetts' is what I looked up, since I didn't know her last name. I couldn't tell you how many people I scrolled through who were guys until I came across a name that caught my eye.

I clicked on the profile and there she was... my neighbor, smiling in a white hat, sunglasses, and a bikini.

Dylan Parker

'From Miami, Florida'
'Went to Bayview High School'
'Graduated from University of Florida'
'Graduated from Miami School of Medicine'
'Works at Boston Medical Center'

I started scrolling through her profile pictures.

She dyed her hair blonde, that's why I didn't recognize the blonde hair, but also it's been so long since her freshman year of high school so why should I recognize her.

She looked like a woman. Who am I kidding, she is one.

I started to do the math to find out how old she was. After quickly doing it I came to the conclusion she's twenty-seven. I wonder if she recognized me?

I locked my phone and put it on the counter, drinking my entire glass of wine quickly.

There's no telling how this will end.

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