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Liv's POV:

My mom had been staying in the hospital for a couple of days now. I go and visit her after work until visiting hours are over. When I can't be there, like when I'm at work or it's after hours, Dylan is there checking on her while she works, texting me updates on her and letting me talk to her.

She's become a part of my life and I'm not even gonna deny that I enjoy having her around. She makes me feel alive again - a feeling I haven't felt in so long.

I finished my dinner and was putting the plate in the sink when I heard a knock. I already knew who it was, so I yelled for her to come in. "It's unlocked!"

I came around the corner and saw her shutting the door behind her. She looked kind of down. "Hey, everything okay?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I had a really bad day and wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie? I don't really want to be alone right now but I get it if you do."

"Yeah, we can. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, pulling her to the couch and grabbed the remote.

She ran her hand down her face, "I lost a patient today in surgery. She came in with head trauma and a brain bleed and while I was helping the other surgeon she coded. She was a DNR so there was nothing I could do... legally."

"I'm so sorry." I genuinely said. I didn't know what else to say. I mean, what do you say when that happens. Dylan leaned back and stared at the tv. "I'm sensing there's more?"

"She was fifty-six and looked a lot like my mom." She played with her hands in her lap, "It just scared me because, you don't know this, but I haven't spoken to her since I was eighteen and leaving her house to go to college."

"You haven't spoken to her for that long?" I asked, shocked. I knew when she was a kid she had a bad relationship with her but I didn't see this coming.

Dylan shook her head. "Let's just watch this movie, I don't want to talk about it anymore." I turned the tv on, respecting her decision and letting the questions in my head go. "Let me choose. You chose last time and no offense but the movie sucked."

I gasped and put my hand over my heart, "That movie was amazing."

"Mmm sure." Dylan hummed. I snatched the remote back out of her hand making her snap her head to me. "Yeah that's not gonna happen." I watched as her lips curve into a devilish grin. She reached for it but I held my hand high. "Liv, gemme."

"Hmm let me think." I put my hand on my chin, "No."

We fought over the remote and I knew I was gonna win considering I had longer arms and could keep it away from her. "That's it." She stood from the couch, I assume trying to get it." I giggled and stood up, running away, her chasing behind me. "Olivia." I turned a corner and darted into my room. I thought I was safe, but I felt my body be lifted and then I was thrown on to my bed with another body on top of me. "You're not getting away." We fought for the remote but Dylan ended up somehow on top of me, straddling my torso and she finally grabbed it after holding my arms down.

I was out of breath and so was she. I could see my chest heaving up and down but my heart was about to be out of my chest for another reason. "I'm sorry." She said once she realized what she was doing.

She released her arms from around my wrists that were pinned down on the bed. "Don't be." I blurted out. She got off of me and smiled. "Not so fast."Before I knew it I had her on the bed and the remote in my hands. "I win. Which means I get to pick. I promise you'll like it."

We were half way into the movie I chose and I could tell that she actually did like it. I knew she would.

I felt my eyes getting heavy, but I quickly opened them before the closed fully. "I can go." I heard beside me.

"No, no. I want you here." I smiled tiredly at her, "Stay." Dylan smiled softly and nodded her head. We both turned back to watch the movie together.

Dylan's POV:

I woke up, my body all warm. I looked down and saw Olivia laying on my chest with my hand placed on her lower back.

I assume we both fell asleep during the movie because Netflix was asking us if we were still watching.

I attempted to slide out from under her, not wanting to wake her up, but I failed. She stirred on the couch and opened her eyes, looking at me. She noticed she was laying on top of me and sat up. "I'm sorry. I guess we fell asleep." I nodded my head, staring at her. She looked so...beautiful. She had no make up on and her hair was a little messy but it fit her. "What? Do I have drool on my face?"

I laughed and shook my head. "No. It's nothing." I stood to my feet and took my phone out, seeing it was two in the morning. "Go get in your bed, I'm sure it's better than this." I started to leave but I felt her grab my hand. I looked down at them then back up to her. "What?"

"N-Nothing. I'll see you later?" She dropped my hand and stood up.

"No, tell me." She shook her head, "Seriously, I want to know."

Olivia sighed, "I just wanted to say that I enjoy being with you and I hope this isn't weird."

"I mean, yeah it's a little weird." I saw her face fall. "Joking." I was shoved as I laughed. "Relax, relax. If I didn't want to be with you I wouldn't have came over here after I had a bad day."

"Very true."

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