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Dylan's POV:

I watched as the older lady stood from the stool and made her way to the bathroom hall. She was stopped due to a line. "Go. Make your presence known." Chasity said, "See if that guy is her boyfriend. If not I'm gonna jump his bones." She winked as I stood up and walked away.

I stood behind her, thinking of anything to say. "Man, that's a long line."

She turned around and I was met by a smile, "Dylan, hey."

"How's your mom doing?" I asked, leaning against the wall but still facing her.

"She's good - she's at home with the home health nurse right now." I watched as she looked down at the watch on her wrist. "Probably asleep by now considering it's past midnight."

I chuckled and nodded my head, "Well I'm glad she's doing good." I watched her as she smiled and looked to the ground. "Is that your boyfriend your with?" That sentence made her lock eyes with me.

"Oh, do you think he's cute?" She smirked, matching my body language and leaning against the wall.

I laughed loudly, "He's cute but I definitely don't swing that way. You remember Chasity from the hospital?" She nodded her head yes. "She thinks he's cute and was gonna go buy him a drink."

"Ah, so you guys were watching us?" She smiled and leaned in, poking my shoulder. I blushed and looked away.

Is she... flirting with me?

I swallowed the lump that suddenly appeared in my throat. I felt guilty that I hadn't told her the truth, but in all honesty I was scared how she's react.

"How old are you, Dylan?" Now that she was closer I could smell the alcohol on her breath.


"Are you gonna go or just stand there flirting?" I heard a younger girl say rudely. I looked over my shoulder and saw she was looking at Liv.

"Watch the attitude." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Well the doors open. Is she gonna go or keep gawking at you?" The girl cocked her hip out and put her hand on it.

I looked back to Liv and saw her looking away from me. "Go ahead, I changed my mind." The girl went around me and hit her shoulder against Liv's.

"Woah." I stood taller, "What was the point of that?" I asked, making her stop in her tracks.

"Just take your girlfriend and go. I have to piss" she slammed the bathroom door leaving us there alone.

"I should get back to Patrick." She started to leave but I grabbed her arm. She looked down at my hand wrapped around her bicep and then back at me. "Yes?"

I couldn't think of anything to say. My mind went blank, I just didn't want her to leave yet. I enjoyed talking to her.

"Dylan." The way she said my name made me look up to her eyes. She said it in such a tone that I had heard many times as a teenager. "I've got to get back to him."

I let go of her arm but my fingertips lingered ran down her arm as I did . "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just grab you."

"It's okay." She softly said. "I'll see you around." She smiled at me, then disappeared around the corner.

I leaned against the wall and let out a sigh. I wanted to tell her so bad who I was, but I know for a fact she was flirting with me. She still doesn't know who I am then.

The bathroom door opened and the girl walked out. "Your girlfriend leave you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed, "Piss off I know you're jealous she was talking to me and not you." I faced away from her and walked towards the door, but I felt someone shove me.

"What are you gonna do about it?" She asked. I turned around and she was standing closer.

"First off, back up and leave me alone. Second off, nothing because you're acting like a child." I turned back around but this time I was pushed so hard I fell to the ground.

"That's it." I mumbled, standing up. I stepped closer and was met with a fist to my lip.

"Bitch." She laughed.

I laughed too, then grabbed her by the shirt and throwing a punch.

"Dylan!" I heard Chasity's voice yell as the girl hit the ground.

"I told you to leave me the fuck alone, didn't I?" I said, leaving her and walking away. I looked around the bar and saw Caleb and Chasity staring with their mouth wide open. I looked over to the bar and thank God she was gone. "Let's go. Now." All three of us chugged the remaining drinks and ran out the bar.

Liv's POV:

"Thanks for tonight, Patrick." He wrapped me up in a hug and as soon as he let go I was cold again.

We were standing outside my apartment building saying goodbye, so I was freezing.

"You're welcome. I know you think your life revolves around your mom, but you gotta remember to take care of yourself. Do what you want sometimes." He said, squeezing my shoulder. "Like going out to bars." He chuckled, referencing tonight.

"What do I do about Dylan?" I asked, looking up to him.

"What do you want to do about it, honestly." Patrick put his hands in his coat pocket, pulling it closer to his body.

"I want to be her friend." I honestly said.

"Then do it." He smiled as he started backing away. "I'll catch you later, Olivia!" I watched as he disappeared around the corner, leaving me there alone.

I dug through my purse looking for my keys. When I finally found them I was able to open the gate and the door to the building as well. I went up the stairs and stopped when I saw a body laying in front of my door against the wall.

I walked closer and saw it was Dylan, leaning against her own door. "Dylan?" I asked. Her eyes opened but were droopy.

"I'm locked out." She slurred. "I lost my keys at some bar."

I looked to my door, then back down at her. "Come inside."

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